19. Its been a fucking pleasure...

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Bugs Stilinski was quite honestly on board to commit mass murder at this point. Despite the fact everything sane inside him screeched that death wasn't the answer, murder was not the way to go... he was willing to do it all for those he considered family.

And that included Scott McCall and Kira Yukimura.

If it was to be, he would rip Kate Argents heart out in front of his own father if it meant everyone he loved would live to see another day.

The boy was quite determined to see that thought through as he was one of the first to sing up for rescue mission in Mexico. He didn't care of any complications or if he would manage to make it alive, he'll if he would further be pitted into the darkness consuming him because all that mattered was his family.

He remembered Chris Argents words the day in the warehouse, reminding himself that sometimes you had to be the worst person ever to be a hero they all needed. The green eyed boy cared little if he was painted as the villain afterwards because the only real hero, the one that was heard in fairy tales and comic books... well he was the one currently being dangled over death.

So maybe after all this Bugs Stilinski would turn into the villain of the story and his life would fall into crumbles but it mattered little to him. Villain or not he was going to save someone... and he wouldn't go down without doing it.


"Dad, Scott and Kira have been kidnapped and taken to Mexico." Those words were uttered by a flustered Stiles Stiliski as he and his twin brother stood in their fathers law enforcement office. Both boys attempting to reason with their father as to why it was best they left as soon as possible.

Bugs nodded his head, shrugging his shoulders at his father in an obvious manner, "Okay? I think that's a pretty good reason for a trip to Mexico."

However Sheriff was far from convinced as he looked into both his sons eyes who were about as defenseless as they came and only saw certain death. His twins didn't hold any special powers, they were only two very naive teenager boys... well at the very least that's how he saw them. So he shook his head sternly and adamantly disagreed. "Okay. Even if Deaton is right about this... Yeah. The best thing to do is to go through the proper channels."

"Dad..." Both teenagers groaned at their father, exasperated with the response they received. If they had gained any knowledge as to the supernatural is that the government was useless because they couldn't begin to comprehend the complexity of the situation.

Sheriff however droned on with a list. "That means calling the right law enforcement agencies, border patrol, putting out an all-points."

"Dad listen, that sounds great and all but we can't just wait around for the wheels of bureaucracy to start spinning in five different government offices. Okay? Someone needs to go down there right now, find them and rescue them. We're going." Bugs finally cut his father lists of reason off with a grumble. Clearly done and over with the conversation however he did owe his father at least an explanation, both of them did.

"I can keep you from going." Sheriff pointed out with a wag of his finger.

Bugs smirked in response to that while his brother shrugged his shoulder casually, "we'd find a way."

"I can throw you in a cell." Sheriff countered once more at his sons nonchalant responses.

Because scoffed, "okay one I would like to see your officers of the law try to take me down and two we'd still find a way."

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