work with a Smile

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I was jump in my car relived that I was away from my mother and her exhale and start the car with a loud vrooom !!! and drove off to work listing to my strange music of yelling once in a while. Not many of my friends like it so its a alone thing. I got to my work place and stepped in looking at all the cloths thrown around left from the costumers last night that the night shift workers didn't pick up. Oh did I hate when they do that they think I'm going to pick it all up ! Which I do anyways....*I sight and start picking up the cloths on the ground when I Hurd the jingle of the door hoping with a costumer°RING LING LING LING°
.argh! Just what I needed another problem.I stood up to see a figure of some one a head,body,foot something but I saw no one I just shrug and went back to work picking the cloths up from the ground but I notice something move on the other side of the rack shelf..OW! My head...*I frowned when I hit my head on a metal bar.Are you all right.?
Ack!! *I hit my head again with a loud thud* ow!! ...shit that hurt !
Oh I'm sorry miss....Kayla? -he looked at her name tag- I didn't mean to frighten you my dear. You just look like you needed to uh" smile! - he grinned-
I..its fine sir...*I looked at he's grin that seem so familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it ...did I see it on T.V or a book?.I was lost in thoughts that he had to yell.
MISS !! he said.
*I jump a little* oh I'm sorry I'm just thinking...have I seen you before sir?.seen me ? I a sure you that if you meet me before you would of remembers. but as I said before you have a frown why so?.
Hm? A frown *I touched my lips moving them the shape of a frown* ....does it really matter why I'm frowning !? Well yes my dear no one should frown...not even of there working at a place called...uh" Hot Topic *he giggles* oh come on dear tell me! maybe I can help.
Argh°° okay
GREAT !! *he claps his hands together* go on.
I was coming home from my mother who doest cook right for me....I then get to work and see a huge mess left for me to pic up.THEN !! im cleaning and some body ! *jesters to him* hehe *he giggles to the thought face*
And Sneaks behind me and acres the crap out of me! I hit my head two times and its still throbbing! *I cross my arms exhaling*
Oh I'm sorry for my fright i given you how about I make you smile now !? *he grins pulling out a deck of cards and shuffles them to one hand to another* its pay back.Sound like a deal ?
Uh I guess *I step back watching him play with the cards like magic * Now I need you to pick a card *he holds out the deck in a Chinese fan style* go on I wont bite !...maybe.
I didn't say you would *I pick a card making sure he wasn't really going to bite me from the look in his face it seem he was going to*
Now DON'T show me put it back in the deck doll.*he covers his eyes and holds out the deck*
Umm okay *I put my card back in the deck* Are you done yet!?
*He opens one eye* good you are now look I didn't see. Your card at all *he shuffles them*now im pick. The card out tell. Me if its your card *he grins from a little joy if doing his magic show to me pulling out a card* is this your card!?
Uh" *I look at it close squinting my nose* nope. Its not my card.
What!!! Are you sure !?
positive *I giggled seeing. His stress show* haha.
Let me try again ! *he pulls out another* this your card Kayla !?
no. Its not my card *I pout a little* magic man has. No tricks aw shame!. Oh little girl wants to talk hu?.I snicker a little at his comment and nod* I'm not little by the way....I'm fun size!
Okay happy meal haha
I have your card right...*he reaches over and pulls out a card from my ear* what the !?!?!
*I look at it a little freaked*
how...*he stop me in mid air*
A great Magic man never tell there secrets dear *he holds out the card flashing the J in my eyes*
Keep it its my calling card. Oh look at the time its skin o clock.*he giggles looking at his wrist * buys!buys!busy jobs never done doll. Tell me about it *I take the card* well I have to keeping going with my job sir have a nice day. Same to you doll see you soon.*he starts to walk out but stops at the door* oh and DONT for get to....SMILE!
Hahahaha!. * he walks out into the crowd of Gotham disappearing*

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