cotton candy

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Kayla P/O/V

The door opens to show a pale girl who was wearing blue and pink. Must be Harley. I thought I'm my mind.

HARLEY: And you are?
*puts shoulder to side of door*

!!! DODGER!! you idiot!! Where have you been!?" I scream in her face as dodger jump off the bed into my legs jumping around.

HARLEY: ? this is your owner than?

Dodger : *jumps and sniffs like a pig* woof!

I chuckle picking him up. I see you made a friend dodger?

Dodger: Woof! *he nods*

Funny so have I *I say plane*
As dodger lays like a patrols dog in my arms. I look back at Harley as she leaned on the door bored.

Harley: uh, that's a cute and all but he's my puppy now. She grabs dodger ruffly but gentle. Fuck off well'ya

!? What no he's not! Give him back you cotton candy hair freak!
I yell standing my ground.

Harley: *gasp* a freak..*she holds her piggy tails* your just jealous cause he loves me more you idiot emo! *she shuts the door on my face*

....she...she call me a emo...
I clench my fist causing my palms to bleed. Open the fucking door!!! Before I BUST IT DOWN COTTON CANDY!!!

Harley: Heh Like you can even punch like a REAL Gi-...!! Ep!!

kicks the door down easily* A WHAT!? REAL GIRL!? CAUSE HONEY I AM REAL!!. I takes punches to Harley's body left and right uncontrollable.

DODGER: *barks*

HARLEY: AH!! PUDDIN!!! HELP ME!! SHES CRAZY!!! she scream for joker is agony

He's not going to stop me!

JOKER: oh is that so?

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