Ass hole

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I stood there looking at the layer door with Kayla over my back along with the oddly heavy back pack she had.

"Open the door MILO I DONT have all day to watch the door like a idiot!" I yelled which made him run to the door unlocking it.

S-sorry boss i-i won't do it again.he said shaking. P-pleas dont k-kill me!

"Oh Milo boy" I said stepping in the layer. "What joy would that's be if I'd killed you...your just TO MUCH FUN!! I grinned patting his face ruffly.

G-ot it boss!

Milo stayed behind me which made me curious. "So why are you behind me? Like my back or ass! Hahaha" I laugh but it was cut off by a squealing.


"....oh..god no." I said throwing Kayla behind the couch with a thud that made me giggle. "Harley!?"

Hi'ya puddin miss me?!

she jump in my arms yelling kissing me all over.

"Argh°°° DAMN IT HARLEY!! what did I say about TOUCHING ME! WITH OUT PERMISSION!!!" I shoved her off.

Oh sorry Mr said dont touch tell its when your in the mood. She giggled blushing

"exactly! And when am I in the mood? " I said grinning stepping closer.

Uuuuh... She put her head down. Never Mr J...


*gasp* !!! Y-yes p-puddin!!
She cried running up the stairs into her room.

"Well! That's done with!
Now where's... OH!! There you are!" I giggled and ran over to pick up Kayla body off the ground. MILO!!! GET THE BAG!

Yes sir! he grabs the bag fallowing me up to my room. B-boss...the bag is moving!!

"What you mean the Bag is moving!? "

I-its moving boss!! He held it up as it growled and shakes

"HURRY UP THAN! throw it in my room! " I held my door open with Kayla in my arms as he threw the bag on the ground. "Good job Milo now OUT!!"I shut the door setting Kayla on the bed with one arm down. " what is this" I reach out to open the bag but it growls more.


"Ah I bet your her puppy that tried to bite me at the park heh let's take you to the other room" I pick up the bag and walked out to the hall. "Harleyyyy!!" I sang

Y-yes puddin!?

" I got a present for you Kiddo!! "
The door swung open. !?

PRESENT!!? Oh puddin you should-!! Eep!!

"Ahaha! Its a puppy!!" I threw the bag in her face and shut the door going into my room.


I gasp as the bag got thrown in my face. "Mr J you! At least I got a present!! " I set the bag on my bed then started to unzip the zipper. "Uuuh...hel- AAACK!!" I screamed as a little dog bark and growled trying to attack me. "H-HEY!! CALM DOWN!!! I'm sorry!!!. I had my back agents the wall.

Dodger: ...ARF...*he sat down*

"Yay! Your calm! I'm Harley puppy
What yours?" I said with a perk.

dodger: *he hit his name tag *

I pick it up and read the letters. "D-dod-ger DODGER! Heh I Like the name! So you can dodge stuff?" I said laughing as he put his paw over is nose. "I'm just playing with you puppy I think we well be good friends"

Dodger: woof!!

blood and love ( The Joker )Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora