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Batman P.O.V

Doc/ Myranda : How about the batman it seems y'all have meted

Kayla: *groans* Yea we have...he nock me out and taken me to this fuck up place that smells like dog shit.

Doc Myranda: *smirks* That's how I feel about this place I didn't want to be a Doctor you know.

Kayla: What did you want to be?

Doc Myranda: I wanted to be a--

I was listening from the door
The girl does seem insane she having a normal conversation with her doctor... Maybe I've made a mistake, Only one way to find out. *I step in*

Doc and Kayla: .......uuuh...

Doc /Myranda: This is my office your stepping into you know
*she growls little* Nock first would you!?.

Kayla: *chuckles but looks back at batman little stood back*....So what came to nock me out again? But put me in trash this time?!

No that's not what I came here for and my apology miss Myranda. *He looks at Kayla* Your free to go.

Doc Myranda: What!? What gives you the author-...

Me I give my self authority * I walks up to Kayla with a hand out* Come on than.

Kayla: *looks at myranda then back to batman*

Myranda: *just watches* She's into the joker you know...

* I look at kayla in disbelief* The cLoWn?

Kayla: W-what!? No I'm not!!

Myranda: You can ask the joker
His doctor that just took him in said that she's been up all on him *she leans over to batman ear* they say shes next Harley Quinn~

I pull my hand away in disgust*
And I thought you were one of the sane people I could take under my wing...seems not. *I turn around back to the door* Thanks Doctor.

Kayla: Why would you do ThAT!!?? *she yells*

Doc/ Myranda : You NEED HELP YOU IDIOT! Do you not see?
I bet you know it your self that your not sane. *she smirks*

Kayla: I-I..FUCK YOU! --
I go to the jokers doctor and have a short conversation about him and his gangs.

Doc: The Joker? Hm, His not with Harley Quinn at ARKHAM just that new girl Kayla.

I can see that but do they have any connection rather than team up ?

Doc: No not at all the guards heard them screaming at each other . they seem to not like each other at all.

I'll check on joker and kayla shortly but first... Harley Quinn.
*I leave the asylum*

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