Chapter 2

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Oikawa's father was a respected man. He had lead Aoba Jousai to victory many times and treated the people fairly. However he rarely saw Oikawa, only requesting him for needed things. His older brother, Tarou, was always by his side, as if he were a dog. Oikawa envied that. He wished to be the center of attention and to be the new king of Aoba Jousai.

"Are you okay, Your Highness?" Oikawa looked up to see his mathematics teacher looking a bit worried.

"Sorry Kunimi-san, I was a bit distracted."

"You seem very distracted lately," he set down his books. "Want to talk about it?" His dark black hair sparkled with the bright sun and his face was illuminated, and too close. He looked so beautiful, it seemed as though he sparkled in the sun. Another male, Oikawa thought.

"Just a bad dream, Kunimi-san, no need to worry!" Oikawa said, putting up a fake front. "Although it would be nice to take a break from all of this studying."

"We could always go for a walk in the garden. I know Kindaichi had it trimmed early this morning. Or would you prefer to be by yourself?"

"I'd prefer to go by myself, thank you." Oikawa got up and dusted himself of the grass.

"Be careful, Prince." Oikawa waved him off and put his hands behind his head. He couldn't get the dream out of his head. Why was it that all of a sudden he felt the sudden urge to kiss Tobio-chan, to caress Kunimi-san, to kiss a male? It frightened him, but at the same time gave him a thrill.

Once in the garden, Oikawa looked around to admire it's beauty. It was beautiful, all of the reds and greens and yellows melding together to make a mosaic of nature. Oikawa stood there in silence listening to the birds when he heard a man humming a tune he had never heard before. He looked around the fountain in the center and saw a young man, about his age, watering the flowers.

"Can I help you?" The man said, not turning around to face the Prince.

"Isn't it a bit rude to not face your superior, Iwa-chan?" Iwaizumi quickly turned around and scowled.

"Isn't it a bit rude to make me look at your arrogant face, Oikawa?" Oikawa laughed and approached his old friend. Iwaizumi had been brought into the kingdom as a young boy, and they were very close in age. Oikawa's conceited nature balanced out with Iwaizumi's unconventional nature.

"It's been a while Iwa-chan! How come you never visit me in my room anymore? I'm so bored without you there."

"Well I have ranked up to a knight, so my schedule is pretty filled right now." Oikawa's jaw dropped in shock.

"You're a knight Iwa-chan?! Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because I ha-"

"Don't tell me! It's because you were planning to save me in battle, correct? To see the handsome Iwa-chan sweep me off of my feet?"

"I only got promoted a week ago, Oikawa. It shouldn't be that big of a deal anyways."

"Of course it's a big deal! Iwa-chan, you're growing up so fast!"

"We're literally the same age Oikawa." Oikawa laughed and sat down on the stone wall of the fountain.

"I know, Iwa-chan."

     Oikawa started to visit Iwaizumi daily, always meeting up with him in the garden next to the palace. Many people weren't aware of their meeting, and Kunimi-san always kept quiet about his daily trips.

     One day, Oikawa got a little too comfortable with his presence.


"What do you want Oikawa?"

"What would you do if someone you knew was a homosexual?" Iwaizumi stopped watering the bushes and turned around slowly.

"Why do you ask?"

"Hmm, I wonder. Just curious I guess." Iwaizumi thought for a little bit before replying.

"I suppose I would keep quiet about it if they were someone close, but it is a-"

"Then kiss me." Iwaizumi looked shocked, and for one of the very few times in his life, he was speechless.

"V-very funny Oikawa."

"I'm serious, Hajime." Iwaizumi took a huge gulp and turned around to meet Oikawa's striking eyes, which showed Iwaizumi that he wasn't joking. Iwaizumi just stared, unsure whether or not to move, or perhaps run. He chose the latter.

     Iwaizumi set the watering can on the small stone wall and walked as quickly as humanly possible. Unfortunately for him, Oikawa grabbed his arm and before he knew it, Iwaizumi was spun around and soft, warm lips collided with his. He closed his eyes and accepted the warmth until he heard a gasp and pulled away as soon as possible.

     The person who gasped had run away.

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