Chapter 5

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"I know you're a runaway, Prince Oikawa."

Oikawa stopped in his tracks and his breathing hitched. Did he happen to walk straight towards his death.

"Ah- don't worry though. I can keep you sheltered here for a while if you'd like."

     Oikawa wasn't sure what to do. What if one of the people inside of the palace knew about him and tells someone? What if this is a trick and they're luring him to his death? What if-

"Tooru," And hand was placed on his shoulder, a reassurance that he would be ok. "Nobody is going to hurt you."

"Thank you, Hajime."

     Prince Kenma lead them to a room that was enormous, and very well decorated. The way the light shines in seemed to make the room shine, and every piece of furniture seemed untouched. Oikawa rubbed his hand over the dresser, the bed sheets, the walls. It all had a warm feeling, like home.

"I'm sorry that we don't have any vacant rooms for your two-" Prince Kenma thought for a bit. "-guests."

"This is more than enough space, thank you Prince."

"If you need anything, I'll be in-"

"Kenma!" A dark haired man ran up and hugged the Prince from behind, leaving Oikawa in disbelief.

"Kuroo, I'm busy. If you need me that badly I'll be done in a minute." The dark haired man- Kuroo- looked over Kenma's shoulder to see the 3 young men standing there in shock. How had a man of his rank been able to do that to the Prince? Did he have no manners?

"Oho? And who is this, Kenma dearest?"

"I told you to stop calling me that, Kuroo," Prince Kenma sighed, pointing to each member of Oikawa's "group". "That's Prince Oikawa of Aoba Jousai, that-"

"Prince Oikawa? A pleasure to meet you." He said, approaching the young Prince. Kuroo bowed, his hand over his heart. "I'm Kuroo Tetsurou, Prince Kenma's personal guard and boyfriend."

     Wait.... WHAT?! Boyfriend... Boyfriend... Kenma and... BOYFRIEND? Oikawa nearly passed out from the shock.

"Tooru!" Iwaizumi called out, stabilizing Oikawa before he fell. He stared at Kuroo and Kenma before uttering a response.


"Yeah! You may not have known this since you lived in Aoba Jousai for the entirety of your life, but being a homosexual is accepted every where but where you came from. It's why we never got along, and why you don't have any allies, Your Highness."

Oikawa was speechless. Kuroo smirked up at him and proposed an idea.

"How about we overthrow the kingdom of Aoba Jousai?"

"You're absolutely crazy."

"Am not."

"Are too, even Oikawa agrees."

"Don't throw me under the bus!"

"So you agree with Kuroo?"


   Oikawa, Kuroo, and Kenma all were walking to the King's room, in hopes of convincing him to join Oikawa's "army", which currently only consisted of Kageyama, Iwaizumi, Kuroo, and Kenma.  Oikawa was nervous, of course, but with another King's kingdom, he knew he couldn't fail.

"Lord Father, King Nekomata, I request your presence!" Kenma said with a loud voice. The guards opened the door and the group stepped in. Oikawa stood, admiring the beauty of the room.

"Ah, Kenma, what is it you need?" The King looked over the group, eyeing the 3 suspicious Aoba Jousai citizens.

"Excuse me, but are you soldiers looking for the Prince of Aoba Jousai? If so, we have not seen him and wish that you-"

"Lord Father, this is the Prince of Aoba Jousai, Oikawa Tooru." Kenma said, bowing. "I wish that you will hear Kuroo and I out."

King Nekomata seemed a bit surprised to see the Prince of Aoba Jousai in front of him, but regardless heard Kenma out.

"Prince Oikawa was uninformed on the rules of homosexuality outside of his Kingdom. I'm sure that the citizens are also uninformed, so Kuroo proposed an idea."

"Yes, Your Highness, you see," Kuroo took a step forward. "We may have problems with the people of Aoba Jousai and their laws, which is why I proposed the idea of overthrowing the King of Aoba Jousai-"

Gasps were heard and some shook their heads in disbelief as Kuroo explained his plan to the King. He seemed to consider his words, shaking his head and mumbling things to himself every now and again. Oikawa didn't want to seem helpless, so he too took a step forward.

"Your Highness, I understand that this is a difficult decision for you, and please take your time to think about this proposal. I support Kuroo's idea and hope you will put great consideration into the future of my Kingdom."

The five boys walked out of the King's room, nervous and excited.

"I told you Kenma, my plan is full proof."

"Don't be so sure, Kuroo."

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