Chapter 13

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"I, Akaashi Keiji, prince of Fukurodani, have decided to get married to Bokuto Koutarou." The room went silent, almost eerily quick, but soon laughter and cheers and claps began to sound throughout the entire castle of Fukurodani. Kuroo stood up, cheering on his "best bro" for having such courage. Bokuto was smiling at everyone, as he always does, and wrapped his arm around his fiancé. Happiness filled the large room, and Oikawa could feel the joy in other's voices.

Oikawa decided now would be a good time to take his leave, and left behind the loud dining hall to go back to his somewhat-peaceful bedroom. He heard footsteps approaching his door, and then a knock. Oikawa opened the door and saw Kageyama standing there, looking quite timid.

"Are you okay, Oikawa?" Kageyama asked, wringing his hands. The question took Oikawa by surprise and left him speechless for a few moments. "It looked like you were kind of jealous of the Prince and his fiancé."

There was definitely no denying that. Of course he wanted to announce his marriage and have others support him, but instead he was ridiculed and exiled from his own kingdom, by his own father nonetheless.

"Of course I'm jealous, Tobio-chan," Oikawa stated, letting Kageyama into his room. "Doesn't everybody want somebody to love them? Doesn't almost everybody want to get married someday and have a family?"

"But Iwaizumi-san loves you, Oikawa." Oikawa chuckled and replied, "Yes, but not in the way I do."


"So you plan on leaving tomorrow morning?" Kuroo asked, following behind Oikawa like a lost puppy. After celebrating with Bokuto about his engagement, Kuroo decided to start following Oikawa everywhere. It was starting to get on his nerves if he had to be completely honest.

"Yes, Kuroo, I'm leaving tomorrow morning for Shiratorizawa."

"But I thought we'd stay a bit longer, you stayed at Nekoma for a little over a week and we've only been here a day. We should at least stay for the wedding-"

"Why, Kuroo? Do you have some devious plan to ruin your 'best bro's' wedding?" Kuroo smirked and put his hands up.

"Guilty as charged. But the wedding's only a couple days away, we should definitely stay at least for that. Plus I wanted to see Kou just for a bit longer, I haven't seen him in months!"

"I'm not staying a couple days just to see a wedding that you'll probably destroy Kuroo, and then you'll be banished from that kingdom. I'm not going to be the cause of a wedding disaster."

"Fine, but can I at least stay for those couple of days? After the wedding I'll hurry back to the group, I'm sure I could catch up in half the time-"

"-Kuroo..." Oikawa's voice had a menacing tone. He didn't want to ruin Prince Akaashi's wedding, in fact Oikawa had grown fond of the somewhat stoic man. He had a very dry sense of humor that Oikawa understood and enjoyed.

"I promise not to ruin Kou and 'Kaashi's wedding! I'll be gone just a couple days and I'll be back quickly. I just wanna see my best friend get married to the love of his life."

Oikawa turned around to face Kuroo, to see if there were any bad intentions hidden in his eyes. All Oikawa could find was honesty, so he sighed and turned back around.

"Permission granted."


"Tobio-chan! Keep up, you're so slow!" Kageyama was drifting to the back of the group when he should've been at the front with Oikawa and Iwaizumi. Unfortunately Kageyama hadn't ever gotten any training in horseback riding, but he managed after a few tips from Iwaizumi.

"Don't treat him like that. He's still relatively new to horses, give him a break Tooru." Oikawa just huffed and went ahead of Iwaizumi, leading the group. He felt powerful like this, controlling 8,000 people. It made Oikawa feel important.

After a few minutes of silence from Iwaizumi, he rode up next to Oikawa.

"So why isn't Kuroo with us?" Oh. He forgot to tell Iwaizumi.

"Ah, yeah he decided to stay for the wedding and said that he'll be back afterwards." Iwaizumi was silent before he broke out in anger.

"Are you an idiot, Tooru?" Oikawa looked at Iwaizumi, wide eyed and surprised, Iwaizumi normally wasn't actually angry at him, most of his anger was from Oikawa acting annoying, but this was something new. This was true anger.

"Of course he'll say 'I'll be right back', but did you ever think that he actually might just ditch us? You idiot, we just lost one of our best soldiers because you agreed to a stupid request!" Oikawa just looked down at his horse, teary eyed. Iwaizumi was definitely mad at him, and rightly so. He was such an idiot, like Iwaizumi said.

"I'm sorry."

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