Chapter 10

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"Hajime! Hajime, where are you? Ha-ack!" Oikawa and Kuroo were searching for Iwaizumi, who hadn't been seen since his encounter with Kuroo. Oikawa had such good news to tell him after all.

"Kuroo, you idiot, what did you say to make him run off like this?!" Oikawa exclaimed, settling himself down on a grassy patch. He exhaled, blowing his now messy hair away from his face.

"Ah... long story, too tired to tell it." Kuroo plopped down next to Oikawa, and they sat in silence for a while, trying to catch their breath.

"And can you also inform that stupid owlish guy that I'm not dating Hajime?" Oikawa groaned, opting to lay down instead of sitting up.

"Hey, he just reports what he sees." Kuroo replied, shrugging his shoulders. He opted to stand up and stretch his muscles, taking in the sight around them. If they hadn't been frantically searching for Iwaizumi, they could've actually taken the time to admire the scenery. It was a beautiful kingdom, filled with plants and animals of different kinds, kinds that Oikawa and Kuroo had never seen before at their own kingdoms.

"Come on, Oikawa, we need to keep searching if we wanna get back before nightfall." Kuroo said, letting Oikawa use his hand as leverage. Oikawa jumped up and brushed himself off, looking slightly annoyed that someone interrupted his nap. Yet he wanted to find Iwaizumi, and he was actually pretty worried about him. His mind was racing with worst-case scenarios.

"Hey, there's a stream up ahead, we should stop there to rehydrate." Kuroo pointed to a small opening through some bushes. When they got to the stream, Oikawa gasped.

"That's Hajime's boot!" Oikawa ran towards the boot, looking at it as if it would be some sort of clue as to where the man went. Oikawa's heart rate spiked, Iwaizumi wouldn't leave just one boot behind in a stream, even if it did get a little wet. He was robbed or there was an accident or...

"Kuroo!" Oikawa yelled, scaring himself in the process with how loud he sounded.

"Kuroo please! Please, help- just-" Oikawa started to breathe too heavily, his face getting red and tears streaming down his face. Oikawa was still freaking out though, because he knew he could never live without Iwaizumi.

"Hajime! Hajime!" Oikawa screamed at the top of his lungs, clutching onto the boot like it was his only hope. Kuroo grabbed onto Oikawa harshly to try and calm him down, but it did no good.

"He's out there Kuroo! He's-" Oikawa couldn't even finish his sentence before he could barely mumble words do to his tears. Oikawa fell on his knees to the ground and stayed there for a little while, calling out a small "Hajime" every breath he took.

Kuroo could hear footsteps on gravel over the rushing waves and instinctively pulled out his sword, unprepared to fight someone while dealing with an idiot who's going to give himself a heart attack. He empathized with Oikawa though, because the thought of losing Kenma and never seeing him again made his heart ache.

Kuroo could then hear a voice yelling over and over again, and oh was he scared. There was no way even he, one of the best guards in the region, could take on a large group of people. Kuroo's arms shook, gripping the sword tighter because it really did determine his and Oikawa's life or death. Suddenly the figure of a person came into view, and when Kuroo squinted, he could make out the form of-

"Iwaizumi!" Kuroo shouted, waving his open hand at him. Oikawa was still on the ground, probably blocking out everything around him. Kuroo started to run towards Iwaizumi, hoping that he would be able to calm Oikawa down. Of course Iwaizumi is fine, Kuroo thought. He would never leave Oikawa behind without putting up a fight.

"Kuroo!! What's wrong? What happened?" Iwaizumi yelled, running as fast as he could towards Kuroo.

"He's having some sort of attack, just hurry!" Iwaizumi finally made it to where Kuroo and Oikawa were, settling down next to Oikawa. He caressed the boy's head, whispering things like, "I'm here". Oikawa grabbed onto Iwaizumi's shirt and sobbed still, grateful that he was okay.

"Ha...jime..." Hiccup. "Please, never... leave me... again!" Oikawa's grip on his shirt tightened, his head still buried in the fabric.

"I promise, you dumbass. I could never leave you."

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