Chapter 12

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Hey guys! I was feeling kind of generous today and decided to update! I hope you enjoy the chapter!

"So he just gave you the soldiers?"

"It was a grueling task but yes, I am to provide service to their kingdom as soon as I retake Aoba Jousai, but they did give me about 3,000 men for battle. That makes 8,000 soldiers, and we've only visited two kingdoms so far!"

Iwaizumi snorted, saying something like, "it's complete luck", but Oikawa chose to ignore Iwaizumi's negativity.

"I never got to meet the prince, how is he?" Iwaizumi asked. "I only met the servant who seemed a little... excited?"

"Ah, Prince Akaashi is certainly a beauty, but he's nothing compared to my beauty." Oikawa laughed as Iwaizumi punched his arm lightly. "He's definitely a good leader, but I'm not so sure about the king. No one has mentioned him and it's a little strange."

"I want to meet this prince," Oikawa pouted and mumbled something about not being good enough for Hajime. Iwaizumi decided to stand up and approach the "excited" guard to ask for permission to meet with the prince.

"Yeah, Keiji is in a meeting right now but you could catch him at lunch if you care to join us!" The guard explained, grinning at Iwaizumi.

"I'd appreciate that, thank you."

"Hajime, I'm bored!" Iwaizumi groaned, knowing where this was headed. "We should play a game!"

"We should actually prepare strategies and different outcomes for events that could get you killed, Tooru." Oikawa pouted again, he seemed to be doing that a lot recently.

"We can do all that stuff later, c'mon please! I've been bombarded with so much work Hajime!"

"And you'll be bombarded with even more work when you take back the kingdom!"

"Hm, we can figure all that stuff out when it happens," Oikawa said, moving to get something out of one of the closets in the borrowed room. "Let's play checkers!"

After many protests from the knight, the boys ended up playing checkers until noon time, which meant lunch time. Their games mostly ended in losses for Iwaizumi, but there was no way he was telling Oikawa that he still had fun. They started to bicker on the way down to the dining hall, with Bokuto trailing behind them.

"You totally cheated Tooru, there's no way someone could have won that many rounds in a row!"

"You're just super bad at the game Hajime!" Oikawa lightly hit Iwaizumi on the arm and Bokuto burst into laughter behind them. Both boys stopped walking and turned around to see the guard laughing and trying to talk.

"You two..." Laughter. "Really sound li-like..." More laughter. "An old mar-married couple!" At hearing the words "married" Oikawa flushed and tried not to let the stupid bird's words get to him. It was just because they've been friends for years obviously, there would be no other reason for Bokuto to say that.

On the other side, Iwaizumi was furious because he was sure that Kuroo had told this man what he'd said the previous night about his feelings for Oikawa. Of course they could never even think about marriage at this stage but... Iwaizumi somewhat enjoyed the thought of Oikawa always being by his side? He enjoyed the idea of making Oikawa smile and laugh because of him? This was all too confusing for him, especially since he's never felt this way about any person before.

"You say that, but you go around flaunting your boyfriend's beauty with any opportunity you get!" Oikawa retorted, walking away from the still-laughing man.

Once the two reached the dining hall, they were astounded. The architecture inside the room was beautiful, and the table was oh so long. Food covered every inch of the table, excluding the areas where the plates sat. Oikawa instantly recognized Prince Akaashi at the head of the table, a few higher ups that he couldn't quite identify, and he also noticed that Kageyama and Kuroo were seated near the end that Oikawa and Iwaizumi would be sitting. Once everyone took their seats and the meal was served, people began chatting loudly. Oikawa was sure that he would lose his hearing after this.

After eating such a great meal, Oikawa thought he could never walk again. The food was so delicious, and he filled himself to the brim on exotic meats, fruits, and vegetables. Prince Akaashi had Bokuto whistle in order to get everyone's attention.

"Good afternoon everyone. I hope you enjoyed the food my chef had provided us and I hope it was to your liking. I appreciate you all coming out today to support me in the decision I have made.

"As many of you have heard, I have agreed to give former Prince Oikawa Tooru of Aoba Jousai an army of 3,000 Fukurodani soldiers." Murmurs and noises of agreement were heard throughout the room.

"Not only have I done that," Prince Akaashi said, taking a deep breath and exhaling with a shaky breath. "But I have another announcement, a wedding announcement."

Bokuto started to rub the prince's back, calming the very anxious man. "I, Akaashi Keiji, prince of Fukurodani, have decided to get married to Bokuto Koutarou."

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