Chapter 3 The Early Raptor Scares the Dino-bird!!

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Chapter 3

The Early Raptor Scares the Dino-bird!!
Next morning,Velma was the first one to wake up as usual. Velma is the oldest of the group and is the most mature of the Utah-group. Fevy is the funniest and youngest. Last but not least, Robby is the most curious and the most adventurous of the group. Ronda is the last one to wake up and for a female T-Rex, she is quite nice. But she is DEADLY if someone tries to steal or hurt her new family.
But Ronda's not the only mama dinosaur that's protective of their young. Not just predators are protective of their young, herbivores are too. >>>Iguannadon protect their young by building their nests in colonies to warn off predators. If that doesn't work, they use their thumb spikes or their sheer size and very large tail.<<< Aron was still snoring off in the distance. The Utah-group decided to sneak up on Aron and scare him awake. They crept over to him and Fevy made a really loud and high pitched,"wooooop." >>> Some scientists believe that Utahraptors may have had the ability to make high pitched calls to communicate with each other and may have also used those sounds for play. Herbivores also used this way of communication. Parasauralophus, Tsintasaurs, Sauralophus, and Corythosaurus used their unique head crests to communicate with each other. Which was common with the duck-bill families. <<< Then Aron jumped with a start and he was on a rock and so when he jumped, he fell off the rock and began to roll down the hill until he rolled into a log, the Utah-group were chasing after him until he hit a log. The group ran over to him sniffing him to see if he's okay."Aron, are you okay?!" There wasn't a sound for a while until Fevy bent over closer to Aron and then a faint but sort of loud,"tooooooot!!" Then Aron jumped up and said"pardon my noisy behind folks!" "P.U.! That smells!" Fevy said covering his nostrils." What have you been eating?" "Well, I've had a brown bean patch for breakfast and I've been gassy since!" Aron said."Well, you need to way off on the beans then." Fevy said. "Yeah and maybe start eating the flower blossoms and other stuff, bro." Robby replied. "They are right you know. You really need to start eating non-gassy foods." Velma said." Gassy foods can really give you bad indigestion and..... Blah blah blah." Velma's voice was trailing off in Aron's head as he thought of something else. Aron tried to listen but Velma was being VERY boring and Aron couldn't just jump back into the conversation because he would be totally lost. "Although, many foods are......." Velma began to start tuning in again."Yeah that's very innerestang but, I'm gonna go over yonder to see what Fevy and Robby are doin', so see ya later." Aron managed to say. Velma made a "fine go over there and not listen to my educational facts," face.

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