Chapter 4 Croc Attack

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Croc Attack
Ronda heard a sound of a dark and evil laugh in her sleep. She saw three figures tied to a pole and realized that it was the Utah-group! They were really cut, hurt, and bruised. Ronda tried to run over to them, but realized that she was in a cage. Then a low dark,deep:"HA HA HA HAAAAAA!" A large figure appeared with a long snout with jagged,sharp teeth. Ronda couldn't see anything else. "You have failed to protect your so called "family," MOOWA HA HA HA HAAAA!" The figure laughed. "Who are you? Why are you doing this? What have my children and I done to deserve this?" Ronda asked. "You think you are so perfect with your family. I never had a family before, and soon you won't either," the figure said. Ronda woke up scared half to death. She looked around and saw her kids playing nearby and was SUPER relieved. She was happy it was a dream, but had a feeling that part of her dream will be true so she went over to the Utah-group and was extra, EXTRA alert of her surroundings. Suddenly, a rustling noise came from some bushes nearby and the whole gang looked over there and Ronda got up and started snarling. "WOW easy there miss! And take it easy! Growling can could give you a sore throat! " A voice said. "I just overheard some minions of Bruce saying that they were planning on kidnapping the Utah-group TONIGHT!" The voice said as it said from the bushes. "TONIGHT!!? Fevy asked. "Whoa, bro!, did you say tonight!" Robby said. "That's right!" The creature said. "FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!! YES HE SAID TONIGHT!!!!!!" Velma yelled annoyed. "Show yourself!" Ronda and Aron said as the Utah-group walked over behind Ronda and Aron, scared. A tiny reptilian-like bird tumbled out of the bushes. Ronda leaned over and sniffed the little fella and he flinched. "What's your name?" Aron asked. "My name is Kyle." Kyle said. "I'm a Compsagnathus." "It's nice to meet you Kywel." Fevy said. "Barely made it out of there alive." Kyle said. Luckily, Mother Nature gave me an awesome defense mechanism which is speed!!" Said Kyle. "Cool I wish I had speed, bro." Robby said. "We Utahraptors are ambush predators, our bodies aren't made for chasing our prey down. We're not like our smaller relatives. You know, fast chasing predators. We're just not made for that kinda stuff." Velma said trying to be all smarty mik smart smart. "Oh uh right, that's just what I was thinking. I guess you just read my mind?!" Kyle said trying not to hurt Velma's feelings.

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