Chapter 11 Meet Ashleigh Allosaurus

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Meet Ashleigh Allosaurus!
The group had past the desert very dehydrated and soon found an oasis just near the end of the desert. They stopped at it and Robby tried to jump in it but when he landed in the water, it was really dry and was actually sandy. "What the what?! Bro, did you see that too? What the heck just happened to the water, bro?" He asked and said surprisingly. "It's a mirage. There is no pond." Said Velma and Jonath at the same time. They both looked at each other and smiled. "What in tarnation is a meraj?!" Asked Aron. "It's pwonounced miwage." Said Fevy. "Uh I don't mean to be mean er anerthang but that ain't helpin', son. Said Aron sternly but nicely. "It's actually pronounced "Mirage." Does that help any?" Said and asked Jonath. "Uh, little bit. Thanks." Replied Aron. The group finally entered a nice plain with an abundance of watering holes at sizes from small to large. Then, the group saw a watering hole that WASN'T a mirage. They quickly ran over to it and this time Robby was about to jump in when Cap DB said "Whoa there, Bucko!" There are small crocs in there just waitin' to attack." So Cap DB fought off all the crocs with help from Ronda and Aron, of coarse. Then Robby finally jumped in the water and the rest of the group drank some water. But just then, a young female Allosaurus, about Velma's age, limped up toward the group and started drinking some cold refreshing water. Ronda didn't get so tense because she knew that the Allosaurs was injured and so she walked up to the hurt Allo and it flinched and cried "Don't hurt me! I'm already in pain! Just leave me alone!" And Ronda then asked "What's your name, sweety?" "Ashleigha Allington. Why? Do like to know your victims by name?" Ashleigha said and asked. "Don't worry, Dear. I just want to see your leg, side, neck, and the rest of the places that you're are hurt in." Why? So you can find some other places to injure me too?!" Asked the Allo, who was now shaking and sobbing softly. "Let me look at it, hon. I promise that I will not hurt you. I have Children so you can trust me that I won't hurt such a beautiful Allo like you." Said Ronda sweetly and gentle. The young Allo slowly and tensely allowed Ronda to see her injured body. Ronda told the Allo to go into the water to cool the gashes. The Allo asked about the crocs but Aron, Cap DB, and Ronda said that they took care of them and looked over at the scared-to-death crocs wobbling away. Hey, you guys can call me Alia for short." Don't wowwy, you are safe wiv us Awia!" Said Fevy. "Oh my goodness gracious! You are so adorable! Said Alia. And if nature gave raptors the ability to blush, Fevy would be blushing. Then Robby asked Fevy to follow him away from the group to talk to him. "Aw not cool, bro! I wanted that pretty lady to like me! What the heck, Fevster?!" Robby said. "I wasn't twying to do anyfing, Wob." Said Fevy. And soon, the group gained Alia's trust and they were happy together. Nobody in the group were brave enough to ask Alia how she got hurt or where she came from and they decided not to ask her until after they got to know her a little better. And before anyone else in the group knew it, Velma and Alia soon became instant BFF's and talking and laughing for almost the whole trip and Robby started flirting with Alia and Alia started to have a crush on Robby too.

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