Chapter 12 The Bros

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The Bros
Jonath and Robby were bummed that their crushes were off talking and doing girl stuff and not hanging out with them. Soon Jonath and Robby became bros and began to hang out. They acted like they knew each other since they hatched. "Hey, you wanna wrestle, Jo-ster?" Asked Robby. "Sure. But I must warn you, I'm known for my mega-noogie-saurus with a side of tickling from the tail!" Said Jonath. "Alright let's do it then, bro!" Said Robby all pumped up. "Nope. Sorry you guys can't fight now. We have to keep moving! But be careful! You could step on what seems like one harmless little crack but as soon as you step on it, you could suddenly plunge down the earth!" Said Kyle worrying, as usual. Robby did a fake cough and said ">cough< HECKLER! >cough< ahem 'scuse me my throat was just a bit sore!" And Kyle just rolled his eyes and walked away. The group had finally exited the open plains and into a more thick forest-like biome. Luckily, Cap DB's wing had finally dried. And he was soon able to fly. Which meant that he could carry Fevy, Kyle, Robby, and Jonath. It was about an hour later and Cap DB soon started to lose sight of the group under the thick forest. He tried to signal to Aron who was laying on the back of Ronda but Aron wasn't responding then Cap DB realized that Aron was asleep! He tried to squawk a distress call but he was too high in the sky by now. He didn't know what to do. He had no idea what idea what to do for once his life. He was completely lost in the infinite skies. He couldn't think of a way to back to the rest of the Utah-Group. He couldn't land without cutting his very sensitive wing membrane. Then suddenly he saw a very large dark figure rushing towards him-the figure suddenly appeared to have very sharp teeth! The figure was coming closer and closer. All Cap DB could do was just prepare for impact....

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