Chapter 2

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If they won't leave my choice, they'll leave by force. The Greene's don't need this group of strangers in their business, causing problems draining supplies this close to winter.

I snarl under my breath striding back into the underbrush, Taz chuffs.

"I'm telling you Daryl we've been goin' in circles for hours, there isn't anyone out here."

"Nah man, saw them right here, big ass dog, and this kid, no bigger than jimmy." A southern accent shoots down the conversation.

I scowl down at my appearance, I'm bigger than jimmy, I'm taller, stronger too.

"Why would a kid be out here alone?" The first voice demands, his voice drifting past me as if they're walking past. I can hear them now, Taz sinks into the dirt, ready to pounce.

I press my boot against his leg, making him look up for my hand signal fo stand down. We'll just go around them.

Starting back behind the duo Taz stops, pawing at the ground, he sticks his nose into the dirt.

I can see the fading figures of the hunter and his companion, if they turn around he'll see me.

"Taz." I hiss attempting to grab his attention. He growls, and paws at the ground again. "What- oh." I bend down, running my finger around the overlapping fresh deer prints those two missed in their arguing.

"Seek." I pull my bow over my shoulder, following Taz I keep an ear to the stale conversation.

Taz slides into the dry creek bed. He creeps through the stones, his belly fur rubbing into the dry clay.

I can hear their soft steps, carefree. As if the world didn't end around them. Although I suppose it didn't.

I pull myself up out of the creek bed, each step carefully placed between leaves and twigs. The herd of four deer idle in mossy clearing. I can take out maybe two before the others bolt. But I'll have to make my shots count. That much meat could last us until next week or longer if we ration. It won't last two days with that group though...

I draw my arrow back the tails tickling my cheek as I inhale the fresh air. My arrow flies true, striking the large buck through the neck, a brutal but lethal shot.


My second shot goes wide, maiming the next doe's thigh before she's gone. And so go the rest of them.

I charge into the clearing, ripping my arrow from the bucks throat.

The tracker stands at the edge of the clearing; his companion sprinting up behind him, pistol in hand. He's an ugly man, bulky, brutal looking.

Taz growls a warning at the advancing pistol man.

It's too slow to take the deer, it's theirs now. I dash for the creek bed, wasting no time running back towards the farm, where they won't be able to tell my foot prints from theirs.

************ Daryl pov *************

"That little shit!" Shane spits jogging back across the clearing, pistol shaking in his hand.

I hoist the deer up onto my shoulders, it's a heavy son of a bitch, doubt the kid could have carried it without help.

"Let's get this back."

Shane growls again but starts towards the farm.

"We need to be careful, could be more of them, might try and take the farm." Shane's pistol still shakes in his hand, putting me on edge, bastard needs to calm the hell down.

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