Chapter 9

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Woodbury, is a prison made not stone or steel; But of false hope.

The woman in the front seat of the car knows it, lives it.

There's a worm in my stomach festering as we draw closer to this town. I shouldn't have left shade alone, even with Beth.

"We'll have to walk from here." The woman instructs. Guiding us off to the shoulder of the road. "They watch the roads. But there's a way in this way."

She leads us deeper into the dark, Rick follows easily unbothered by the strangers knowledge.

The unease in my stomach hardens to stone. Shade wouldn't have followed blindly. Even taz would be comforting to have around, But he was asleep on shade's lap as I left.

Michonne catches ahold of a path of wall, hoisting herself over and silently onto the other side.

Rick takes a second to look around before climbing over. I wait until I hear him hit the ground then follow.

Michonne ushers us into a dark building crouching low behind shelves of supplies. "They're across the street, in the alley."

"Who's there?!" The front door groans open, spilling street light inside. I duck behind a shelf as the light catches my heels.

Heavy footsteps zig zag between shelves. "Your not supposed to be in here, come out." The man pauses between the shelves a hairs breath from seeing me. Rick standing across the way tries to guide me around.

I adjust my grip on my crossbow, coming to my full height quick and hard I slam the crossbow into the mans chin. His teeth clash and he plummets to the ground unconscious.


I spin towards the dark, to Shade's alarmed rasp. But it's Rick who rises from the corner.

"What did you do?" Rick demands lowly stepping over the man to check.

Shade bends down to feel his neck but rick looks back up. Relieved.

"It's clear." Michonne stands In the open door.

One road, manicured trees and cut grass down the center. Small brightly painted houses on either side, without a soul in sight.

The hair on my neck rises. This isn't right.

We dart across the open space cautiously.

Down a set of metal stairs into a sheet metal maze. Down here is our group, down here is shade's sister.

Soft whistling leads the way, a happy tune that doesn't fit this musty cellar.

"The governor wants them in the ring."

Rick whistles, tossing a smoke grenade across the hallway to me. I take hold of the pin, leaning against the doorway, Rick and michonne on the other side. Waiting for the perfect moment.

Rick counts down, without a sound and we throw the grenades.

Smoke explodes, shapes and shadows dance between the clouds as we charge into the fray. Barked orders are ignored.


Glenn dangles from my shoulder as we run up the stairs coughing up smoke. Fresh air rattles in his chest as he struggles to pry his swollen chapped lips apart. "Merle."

I slide to a stop, heart pounding in my ears, I channel shade into my glare. I don't wanna hear random shit bout my brother, not now.

"He's here." Glenn chokes on another round of heavy coughs. "Merles here."

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