Chapter 25

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Carol tells me a story that I needed to hear but I wanted to put my fingers in my ears and wish it was a bad dream. Alexandria still fell and even though I wasn't there I felt it was somehow my fault. I know the quarry she was talking about, I could have warned them gone back and helped but I didn't.

And the saviors. Oh gods. They wouldn't stand a chance against them.

My head spins, wildly. I can't get it out of my head. The fear that lingers in my veins, what would they do to Daryl, or Carl. Maggie and Glenn? Were they even alive anymore. Was taz?

I curl in on myself, knees against my chest.  I can barely breathe. Maybe I'm not anymore.

When carol finally stops talking I pace at the end of the bed. And I tell her my short tale, how i wound up at the kingdom, how I hadn't left.

Once I'm done carol fidgets with the end of the blanket and glares at the inscription on the wall.

"I'm leaving tonight." She tells me. "Will you come with me?"

I turn towards the window, not daring face carol for a long moment, studying the fantasy land that the king created and then I nod.

"Do you have yer stuff?" I ask bitting my thumb nail.

"No, but you can help me." She tells me. As if I was already apart of her scheme.

I shake my head making for the door. "Should take a walk. Right around the theatre. Best time around two." I tell her before slipping out the door.

I spend the rest of the day pulling together supplies, filling my pack with a heavy feeling.

Chandler corners me by the gazebo, his gentle hands catching my shoulder. I nearly jump out of my own skin anyways.

"Are you gonna come back?" He asks softly, hesitantly. He's been asking me this question every time I leave, and my answer has never changed.

"I don't know." I tighten the strap on my bag as the sun begins to set. I look into his eyes, almost as green as mine, his hair glows with the setting sun.

"I'm coming with you." He tells me glancing around for signs of our brother before he continues. "Ben, he's going to join the saviors. When the next supply trucks leave he's going with them. And if I'm not gone. Then he'll find a way to drag me along."

I pull him closer embracing him as I tuck my lips close to his ear. "Out there won't save you. Everywhere is effected. Hilltop, Alexandria, kingdom. All of them are Negan's." I harshly whisper.

He shakes his head pushing me away. "No. No I'm coming with you. Please Lucy." He begs.

My name sounds comforting coming from him, almost as familiar as Merle or Daryl would have said it. I shiver out of his touch, but relent with a heavy sigh. "Fine. Get your shit. We're leaving now." I ground out, everyone's at movie night.

They won't notice us leave. Don't notice carol slink out of the medical center behind chandler and disappear into the Kings garden.

Where I saw the king disappear minutes ago.

Chandler smiles gently and runs back inside while I quickly sneak to the gate to horse, waiting patiently.  I begin stuffing my pack into my saddle bags, and double check all his straps.

Chandler returns with a fawn horse kindness in her eyes that matches chandler in more ways than one. He nods to me as he begins checking over her saddle too.

"Shade!" Jerry chirps appearing behind me. My throwing knife is in my hand before he finishes greeting me.

"Oh. Jerry." I tuck the blade away and turn back to horse.

"Leaving so soon?" He quizzes. I glance towards him. This is a game. He's trying to stall me. I shoot chandler a look to get him on his horse.

"King Ezekiel asked to be here for carol. She's still resting." I answer shortly, pulling myself up into horses saddle.

"That's funny. She's in the garden. With his majesty." Jerry gives a coy smile that sends shivers down my spine.

I will my face to be neutral. "Guess she's done." I answer vaguely raising my arm to the gateman.

"Shade." The king rounds the corner of the garden and behind him, carol slinks towards the medical center. She doesn't glance back.

"Your majesty." I bow my head but don't move to jump down. I don't care if carol is leaving, I'm going.

"Perhaps I can persuade you to wait the night to leave us yet. Carol would like to remain here, but on her own. There is a house, down the main road with a graveyard to its west. Do you know of it?" He asks stepping up beside horse. I could kick him down if I wanted to.

I nod my head glancing to chandler, he sits straighter. Cautious.

"Can I trust you to escort her to this house in the morning, as you and dr. Chandler find your way in the unknown." He nods to chandler.

"Your majesty." Chandler greets shyly.

I sit very still for a long moment. He knows I was in on her plan, but does he know why chandler is coming with me?


Carol, chandler, myself and Morgan follow the empty road. Each horse trotting at a steady pace.

"You didn't have to come." Carol insists to Morgan riding on her right. He blends into the kingdom with ease. A survivor that needed a story to ease the reality.

I slow to a stop in front of the small iron fence, a cemetery is tucked against the house but it shows no signs of being disturbed by the dead. Peaceful. What carol has been searching for since the beginning. We've all come a long way from the farm.

"Thank you guys." Carol smiles gently to us three, slinging her backpack over her shoulder.

"We'll be back in a couple weeks to check on you." I tell her sternly.

Chandler beside me bounces in his saddle. I can't help but wonder how long he's been hiding inside kingdoms wall.

"No more than three." She nods back. "Stay safe shade. And you too chandler." I don't wave before kicking horse to a trot down the road. Chandler follows eagerly awaiting the world.

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