Chapter 14

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Merle wants to play catch up. I'm not sure I want this but Daryl has questions.

We sit in the yard, under the cooling sun. Taz across my lap. His large head on daryl's who is rubbing his ears between his fingers while he listens. Totally relaxed for the first time in the history of knowing him.

"Wait, wait wait. So Yer tellin' me you tracked down Yer brother and got him to lie to me? Why did ya never come back?"

Merle is across from us, ripping up grass with his good hand. I still haven't gotten the explanation for the soup can.

I pause my belly scratches. "Because Merle, I found something I thought was better than just surviving. I wanted to try that family crap for myself...Didn't work out to well though,"

I glance over at Beth, Maggie, Glenn and Hershel playing a card game. Little baby ass kicker in Beth's lap.

"If you hadda stayed with me, we would have met Darlene here a lot sooner," Merle teases.

I kick him with the toe of my boot.

Daryl pauses, glancing back and forth quietly. Processing.

I turn to him. "I'm so sorry you got stuck with this ass for as long as you did." I tease.

"Hey! Come on sugar tits! Thats not fair, how many times did I have to save yer crazy ass from detentions and suspensions?!"

I turn on him, a flush creeping up my neck. "Merle! Ugh, why did you have to bring that back up?!" I bury my face in Tazs fur.

"Ya got expelled? What for?" Daryl asks, a few gentle fingers brushing my arm.

I pick my head back up, shoving my growing hair out of my eyes. "Oh trust me, something stupid not worth repeating,"

Merle makes a noise. "Which time do ya wanna hear about baby brother? I saved her twenty four- no twenty five times. Fist fights, refusing to participate. Back talking to teachers. Vandalism. Take yer pick!"

I groan, "god, I forgot about that fist fight. What was that, tenth grade?"

Merle nods, a wicked grin on his face when he turns to Daryl, looking more alarmed than intrigued.

"Yes it was shade. Ya broke that seniors nose, and they had to drag you out, five other bigger kids. And you still kept fighting, when I showed up they had ya locked in a closet."

I flinch, sinking back into the darkness.

Daryls fingers tap on my hand, a proud smile creeping up his sun tanned cheeks.

"Daryl!" Rick stands at the top of the yard in the shadows of a tower. "Can I talk to you?"

Daryl nods, gently picking Taz's head off his lap. A hard set to his jaw as he gives my shoulder a quick squeeze and jogs up the yard to Rick.

I watch, hooking my teeth into my lip.

"Darlene ain't goin' no where shade. He's the biggest pansy for ya," Merle bats his eyes effectively giving him a creepy look.

I stand, brushing the grass off my legs. "Taz, get him." I order with a crooked smile.

Taz launches off the ground, tackling Merle into the grass.

"No! No! Shade! Lynn! Shae Lynn, Please!" Merle begs, attempting to push Taz off, his licks only get more aggressive.

An arm loops around my shoulders, bringing in a warmth I didn't know I was missing.

"What he do?" Daryl rasps, watching with a slight twist to the heavy scowl and scrunched brow look he's wearing.

"Got all soft, it was gross."

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