Chapter 11

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A day in the dark, it's not a hard path to follow to find Woodbury and from there start my search. I'm going to find Merle, to find Daryl.

*********** Merle POV *****************

Daryl don't sleep much when we set up a spot in the forest.

Tossing and turning beside the fire, muttering as he twists.

After two hours he rises, more tired than when he lay down and demands to change up watch.

"You tryin'a attract the bitters?" I drop into the leaves beside our smoldering fire.

Daryl adjusts his grip on his crossbow. Georgia blue's cold. "None Yer business."

A laugh escapes me. "That's a load of bullshit and you know it. You was thinkin' about Yer girl."

Daryl's scowl turns vicious, hardening something deeper inside. He almost looks like our old man, for the darkest second.

"Told ya not to talk about her." He growls.

I shrug off his threats. "What's she like?" Pulling my legs under me. Watching Daryl settle deeper into the tree trunks.

Daryl shakes his head ruffling his mane of dark hair.

I laugh tipping my head back. "You seem set on bringin' the bitters down on us. I wanna know who I'm dyin for."

"Shade." He mutters after a silent minute. "Her names shade. And she's like water, cold but deep. She'll drown you without a thought but to the right people she's beautiful, and gentle."

Daryl stares into the embers of the fire, lost. Some chump fish on a hook for this girl.

"She's got a dog too. Bastard bit me in the ass when I met her."

I lean in, there could be a million survivors with dogs. But only one that could have tongue tied my brother this bad. "Whats's she look like?"

Daryl glances up, the softness in his expression wiped away. "Don't matter. She's gone."

I fall back into the leaves, my poor naive brother. "You don't loose a girl like that Daryleen. If she's as love struck as you, you'll see 'er again."

Daryl shakes his head harshly. "Nah. Not this time."

When Daryl makes no attempt to keep talking I laugh to myself. "I knew a girl, grew up in the shits. Brothers didn't protect her like they ought 'ave. I found her in a little water logged lean too in the bushes. With a little wolf pup. She had eyes like summer storms. And the most amazing laugh."

Daryl shifts in his seat. Intrigued.

"I taught her to hunt, how to ride. To survive. One day though, went to meet her like always, out at that stupid little fort but she never came. I tracked down her brothers. But they had been gone for years. Only the younger knew anything, even cared about her. He got a phone call from her saying she had had enough. That it was goodbye."

Daryl is crouched on his toes, face slack with wonder. "She kill herself?"

I laugh. "She was tougher than both of us Daryleen. Her daddy did her in. At least that's what the younger believed." I wink as I look up to the morning sky.

Daryl sits quietly. "Ya think she's the same girl? Yer girl and shade?"

I shrug, standing to kick dirt over the fire. "If she is you best be ready to face the consequences of Leavin' without a goodbye."

Daryl's face is cast with shadow. "Maggie said the same thing."

Daryl straightens. "Let's go."

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