Chapter 17

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The sun isn't brave enough to shine through the clouds.  Not that I blame it, there isn't anything to be sunny about.

A freight train is sitting over Daryl and I. It rolled over sometime in the dark. When the tears finally gave way to cold.

Daryl isn't asleep, his face still buried in my chest. Neither of us slept,

My nose aches today from that spill into the tree, my throat feels swollen.

When I try to whisper Daryl's name only gravel comes out.

"I couldn't find you," Daryl whispers.

Taz is sleeping between our tangled legs.

I make a noise in my throat. My eyes hurt.

"I thought- I thought Merle took you. Maybe to the governor..." his voice dips. "I thought 'bout all the shit I said."

I press my lips to his hair.

"And then- and then..."


"I couldn't find you. Taz couldn't find you."

"I'm here." I croak out.

"Please don't leave," Daryl's voice cracks.

I shake my head. "Not goin' no where."


Daryl falls into a fitful sleep sometime after people stiff in the yard. Trucks move, the gate guard changes.

I brush the long strands from his sleeping face. I listen to the sounds of life below us, and want to burst into flames. Why is everyone else so happy.

"Shade?! Hey shade!" Maggie rounds the corner.

I glare, waving her off but Daryl is already stirring.

She winces. "Sorry, didn't mean to bother you. Daddy and michonne are going to fill the water barrels can you go with them?"

Daryl looks between us.

I nod slowly, disentangling my legs from his.

Daryl goes to rise. I shake my head. "Stay,"

He lays back down, dark strands of hair falling into his blue eyes again. They're so dull this morning. Red rimmed and dull.

I sweep the strand away, running my fingers over his cheek.

Daryl reaches out to rub the spot where Merle's soup can cut my cheek.

I lean into it for a moment and then rise, taking my bow from its place in the corner as I pass.

The yard is full of activity. Much like it sounded from the tower.

Maggie is back up in the gate tower with Glenn. Hershel and michonne are in front of it, loading the large water barrels into the back of a truck. Rick is in the walkway over looking the yard as a whole.

There are people in the fields, pulling weeds ant planting new growth. There is a few people tending to the horses and whatever is left of the livestock.

I still shiver thinking about the pigs.

I carefully pick my way down the gravel up to the truck, and hoist the last barrel into the truck.

"Mornin' shade." Hershel greets.

"Morning." I croak back.

Hershel stops, leaning over on his crutches to hold my chin up.

I still in his grip.

"That's quite the bruise." He remarks turning my chin to look better at my neck. I'm not surprised.

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