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  I sat across from Aris and picked at the food on the tray in front of me. I noticed a new group of boys and they all turned as I heard some guy say "They've been here the longest." The blonde boy caught my eye and I smiled slightly before turning my attention back to Aris and carrying on the conversation.

"You don't really trust these people do you?" I whispered suddenly.

"Hell no" he said and I laughed.

"I think its wicked" I stated getting serious.

"WHAT?!" he blurted out before everyone looked at us.

I smiled at everyone and looked at him seriously before everyone turned back to their food, except the group of new people.

"Shut up do you want to get caught" I asked in a low whisper, slapping his arm.

"Sorry" he said laughing softly.

"Excuse me ladies and gentlemen you all know how this goes, if I call your name you join my colleagues. Your new lives are about to begin" Mr. Jansen said and I rolled my eyes.

Everyone got excited and clapped and I held my breath as Aris held my hand for reassurance. Mr. Jansen aka ratman as I liked to call him, said the last name and closed the book as I let out a sigh of relief but everyone else seemed disappointed.

"If I could take more I would. There's always tomorrow. Your time will come" ratman said and I rolled my eyes once more and he noticed, tilting his head.

"Is there a problem?" Ratman questioned, looking towards me and everyone looked at me again.

"Aw nothing" I said smiling sarcastically as he walked out with the people. My smiled dropped before I squinted and shoved a piece of bread in my mouth.

"Teresa" I heard someone shout and a boy from the new group ran towards the doors. I watched him closely as the man talked to him and soon the boy sat back down.


  It was the next day again and ratman got through his role call, once again we weren't called luckily so I sat back and Thomas I think his name was, got up and walked towards the door like he was called but the guard grabbed him

"I just wanna see my friends" he said.

"Get your ass back in that seat" the guard said poking his chest.

Thomas walked away but ran back and tried to barge through the guard and I watched closely as his friends held him back.

"Thomas I thought we were all on the same side?" Ratty asked. "I thought we could trust each other."

"Can we?" Thomas asked and I grinned happily before Ratman saw me and got me and Aris.

"Get them to their bunks" he said and the gaurds grabbed my arm.

"I'm perfectly capable of walking myself thank you" I said, ripping my arms from their hands.  Aris walked into his room and I walked into mine as I heard the door lock behind me. There I sat concealed in the jail cell.


"Carson come now" Thomas yelled from the vent where he poked his head out, causing me to hit my head on the bed above mine as I sat up. I stood and slipped my clothes and boots on before following Thomas into the vent. I crawled through and we scurried to Thomas's room.

"What happened?" I asked and so did all the boys as Thomas tied their door shut.

"Aris answer me" I stated but he stood shocked.

"It's wicked" Thomas soon shouted.

"I knew it" I said looking to Aris.

"You were right all along."

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