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"We have to get far away as possible" Thomas said as we stood in the same place we were before.

"Ok" Newt said and his british accent made my heart melt. "Got a plan?"

"Yeah" he said clearly lieing.

"We followed you out here Thomas and you're saying you have no idea where we're going or what we're doing?" he asked sternly.

"Newt" I said grabbing his arm gently and he calmed down looking at me.

"Wait Jansen said something about some mountain people" I said and they looked at me confused.

"Some kind of army resistance" Aris added and I smiled thanking him.

"The right arm. Maybe if they're really against wicked they can help us" Thomas said.

"People, in the mountains. Mountain people that's your plan" Newt asked. I giggled at his response and he slightly smiled at me.

"That's our only chance" Thomas replied.

"Minho give me some light" Winston said squatting down.

"Looks like someones been here" he said.

"Cranks" I whispered where as the footprints were scattered.

'What?" they asked.

"I don't know I heard all the doctors talk about them" I said shrugging.

We stood up and began walking around and looking at everything on shelves and scattered across the ground.

"Carson!" I heard Aris say excitedly.

I walked towards him and a smile spread across my face as I noticed what he had in his hand.

"Where was this?!" I said grabbing it and hugging him.

"It was on the ground on top of all this junk" he said pointing his light towards piles of clothes and stuff. I strapped the little bag of throwing knives around my leg where they were supposed to be and the belt with attached Chinese ring daggers in the little pouches on opposite sides for them on. I then through the arrow quiver bag over my shoulder and it crossed my body and I noticed a small black leather glove that was used for archery hanging out the side. I slipped it over my 4 fingers and it left my thumb out. I smiled and loaded an arrow and shot it to make sure it worked and it landed right in the bag I was aiming for. I took it out of the bag and noticed Newt grinning at me and I smiled at him. I was starting to feel butterflies when I saw him looking at me and I didn't know why. I've known him for 2 days!!

"Come on let's split up and see what we can find" Thomas said and looked at Minho and I.

"You two come on" he said and I sighed.

"Stay safe" Aris said and I hugged him before I felt another pair of arms wrap around me as well. Newt.

"We'll be right back" Thomas said and I laughed as I pecked Newt on the cheek and he stood there stunned as I jogged off to catch up with Thomas and Minho.


"Thomas all the kids we left behind back there" Minho began as we shined our flashlights everyway. "I don't wanna end up like that."

"Hey do you hear me?" Minho asked where as he got no response from Thomas.

"Yeah I hear you" he said nodding.

"Good" Minho said sighing. "Now what are we looking for out here?"

"Signs of life. People?" Thomas said, half questioned. "Survivors, anyone who can help us."

 I walked backwards away from a pile of stuff and turned around and was met face to face with a skeleton in a chair causing me yelp. All the lights shone towards me.

"Sorry" I whispered.

"Shit" Thomas said looking at it. 

Minho twisted the knob on the lamp but no light came on obviously.

"They had power" he said surprised. I shined my light towards a big thing with all sorts of wires coming out of it and Minho and Thomas looked at each other. We followed the wires and ended up pushing through a pair of doors. I looked at all the things in there but nothing was too interesting. Until we found a pile of toys.

"That's kind of creepy" I said and Thomas gave me a funny look. "Sorry."

"This looks promising" Minho muttered sarcastically and I looked at him as he flipped the switches on the generator thingy.

Lots of noises came through the building and Thomas looked up.

"Minho wait" he shouted but light flooded the room and I grinned slightly.

"Thomas watch out I said pulling him forward as someone or something ran up behind him.

"What's up with her eyes?" Minho asked where as she had none.

"It's a crank" I said remembering everything I heard about them.

Another one walked out behind us making lots of unsettling noises and I pulled my dagger out and put it on my finger as I twirled it and stabbed the thing in the head.

"Go. Go" Thomas shouted and we began running.

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