4 (Short)

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  I woke up to Thomas yelling for something to 'get outta here'. I lifted my head off of Newt's chest and he leaned up as well.

"Are they gone?" Newt asked.

"Yeah" Thomas said. "We should get going let's pack it up."

Winston let out a moan as he tried to get up and Frypan helped him up.

I stared at the buildings that were crumbling and falling to the ground or either had already fallen. I looked at Thomas and he sighed.


"What the hell happened to this place?" Frypan asked as we walked through the ruins on a path.

"I don't know" Newt responded as we all looked at the buildings confused. "Doesn't look like anyones been here in a long time."

"I hope the whole worlds not like this" Aris said.

"Whoa wait" I said to everyone and Thomas listened.

"Do you hear that?" he asked.

It got louder and louder and sounded like some kind of aircraft.

"Get down! Everybody hide" Thomas said as we ran under a little block of something and I was pulled in by Newt. He gripped me tightly as we watched the aircraft fly over us.

"They're never gonna stop looking for us. Are they?" Minho asked.

We all walked out/crawled out and back into the blazing sun.


We made it to the top of a sand hill and we could see the mountains in the distance.

"Alright keep going" Thomas said and we all sighed where as we were tired and hot. Next thing I knew Winston took a step and crashed to the ground.

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