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IDK what the gif is omg


"Carson wake up" I heard and I moaned and I heard lots of sighs of reliefs.

"Thank God" I heard a british accent say. Newt.

I opened my eyes slowly and moved my legs and then hands and arms.

"What happened" I asked.

"You got struck by lightning" Thomas said handing me my bow and I smiled softly and took it. Some amazing way I hadn't lost any of my arrows and my daggers were fine but the throwing knives were tore to pieces so I unstrapped what was left and threw them down beside me.

"You ready" they said beginning to help me up and I saw Minho standing up against a wall and I sighed in relief he didn't die.

"1,2,3" they said pulling me up. I took a step and almost collapsed so Newt held me up but I held half my weight on my wobbly legs.

"Thanks" I whispered. My hearing was a little off but not ringing luckily. Aris hugged me and wouldn't let go and I laughed.

"I thought you were dead" he said and I grinned.

"What's that smell?" I heard Teresa asked and I sniffed and gagged. Newt smiled and laughed at me but that stopped when we saw a crank lunge at us but immediately was pulled back by a chain. Many more started running and being held back and I looked confused at Thomas and he shook his head.

"I see you've met our guard dogs" someone said stepping into the light and I stepped back with Newt still supporting me where as I could hardly stand.

"Stay back" Thomas said to us.

"You guys look like shit" she said and I rolled my eyes.

"Thanks for reminding us" I said sarcastically and Minho grinned.

"This is why I like you" he said patting my back.

"Come one follow me" she said and we stood still. "Unless you wanna stay here with them."


"Newt if you get tired I can get her" Minho said and Newt nodded passing me to Minho.

"But you were just struck how are you ok" I asked.

"I don't know didn't get to me too much" he answered and I nodded limping along.

Newt stayed right beside me holding my waist and my arm was around Minhos shoulder. I limped through the building as we looked around at all the lights and people around us.

"Keep up Jorje wants to meet you" the girl said.

'Who's Jorje?" Thomas asked.

"You'll see" she responded. "No one's come out of the scorch in a long time. You've just got him curious. Me too."

Nasty men walked behind us and laughed trying to be intimidating and I looked over at Newt.

"I'm starting to get a bad feeling about this place" he said towards Frypan.


"Jorje they're here" the girl said and we entered a room to a guy shushing us as he listened to a radio like thing.

"Do you ever get the feeling the whole world is against you?" the man ,or Jorje, asked.

We looked at each other and back at him.

"3 questions. Where did you come from? Where are you going? How can I prophet?"

"Don't all answer at once" he said as we stood silent.

"We're headed for the mountains, looking for the right arm" Thomas said lowly.

All the creepy men laughed and I furrowed my eyebrows and Minho shifted me. I tried to put more weight on my legs but I almost collapsed.

"Sit her there" Jorje motioned to an empty chair beside Minho and he put me in it. Newt stood beside me and I rested my tired legs. I felt kind of bad because everyone else was tired too and could hardly walk either.

"And you're looking for ghosts you mean" Jorje continued. "Question number two. Where did you come from?"

"That's our business" Minho said.

They grabbed Thomas and pushed him on a table and I stood up to run towards them but collapsed and Newt brought me back up and into the seat.

"What the hell is that" he asked struggling against the guys as everyone fought to get him off.

"Stop being such a baby" the girl said scanning his neck with something. "You were right."

She looked at Jorje and he put glasses on.

"I'm sorry Hermano" he said looking at the screen. "Looks like you're tagged. You came from Wicked which means you're very, valuable."

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