Legal stuff

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This text is covered by the international copyright laws. This content may not be copied to another computer, published, stored, reproduced or altered in any way. Any violations of this is punishable by law.

Some names and identifying details have been changed to protect the privacy of individuals.

The author has tried to recreate events, locales and conversations from memories of them. In order to maintain their anonymity in some instances names of individuals and places have been changed, Some identifying characteristics and details such as physical properties, occupation and places of residence may have been changed as well.

The publisher is not responsible for websites or their content that are not owned by the publisher.

How To Be A Horrible Person is based on my life. Names of characters and places have been changed to protect the identity and privacy of those individuals, any similarities to other real life people are entirely coincidental and are not meant to be taken literal in any way.

© 2015 by Marina Vega.

All rights reserved

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