Will x Reader

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GUYSSSSS!!!! 9K reads???? That is actually insane! Thank you guys so so much for reading my crap stories and voting and commenting. It means so much to me to have your support and love for what I do. I aspire to be a writer and your constructive critisism and support makes me a better writer. Thank you all so  much. Here is a Will x Reader in thanks. Hope you enjoy! xx               - Henni x

Title: Pick-Up Lines and Coffee

Requested: Yep :P

Warnings: None

Summary: "You are a regular in the coffee shop I work at and every time I'm your barista I write a bad pick up line on your cup" AU

"Caramel Latte!" I yelled throughout the small coffee shop, only to see Will, a regular, approach the counter. I smiled and handed him his cup, which he took with a smile and small thanks. I watched him walk away as he inspected his cup for the third time this week, looking for something in particular. I smirked when he found it, neat handwriting in black sharpie writing out, "See this shirt, its made of girlfriend material ;)". The blonde turned to look at me, and I winked before getting back to work. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw his pale face turn bright red as he swiftly turned back around and walk out the door. I chuckled to myself, forcing my thoughts to drift from the lanky teenager to the peppermint mocha I was ordered to make.

The following day, Will came in at 1:45 pm, as he always does on Saturdays. I was cleaning the counter, when I noticed a head of gold colored hair make its way to the counter. I quickly placed my rag under the counter and looked up to see bright blue eyes.

"Hi, what can I get for you Sunshine?" I smile, using my nickname I made for him months ago.

"The usual, please." He responded, a small smile on his lips. I nodded and punched it into the computer.

"$2.47 please." I watched him pull out a 5 dollar bill and set it on the counter with a slip of paper before walking away to sit at a nearby table, pulling out a book. I furrowed my eyebrows and reached for the paper first.

"I bet you a date that you are better at making coffee than I am. By the way, keep the change." I read the note again and again, not believing my eyes. My face turned bright red before stumbling to put the cash in the register. Clumsily, I picked up a cup and scrawled a message onto the side before hurriedly making his usual, a caramel latte.

"Caramel Latte for Will!" I yelled before setting the cup down. He looked up from his book and smiled at the color of my face, now a crimson color. He stood up and made his way to the counter, grabbed his drink, and sent me a wink before walking away. My face turned a darker shade of red, if it was even possible, as I watched him as he inspected his cup again. Will's smile broadened to a grin as he saw the black sharpie clumsily written on the side of his cup.

A phone number in its place of a cheesy pick up line. 

PJO/HoO x Reader/One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now