Important A/N

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Hey guys! 

As you probably know or have experienced, when it comes to x Readers, it gets hard to come up with ideas. But, with your help, I can put out more chapters with better ideas. 

So, if you have any requests for any x Reader or One-Shot, don't be shy! Message me and I will write your request as soon as possible. 

Thank you so much and I hope you like the chapters I write ahead! The next x Reader is.....

Luke Castellan x Reader! It was requested by my best friend, Nataly (Call her Paige, long story, don't ask)! Go check out her wattpad! (I dedicated this A/N to her.) She is writing an amazing story right now and the first chapter is up!! 

To Paige, Thank you so much for the suggestion and good luck with your story! I love you and I wish you good luck and NO WRITERS BLOCK! Haha but seriously I love you. 

ANYWAY! Thank you for reading and I can't tell you how happy I am to see your comments and see how many of you are reading my stories. 


Henni Valdez, daughter of Poseidon.

PJO/HoO x Reader/One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now