A/N + Q&A

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Hi babes! Happy New Year! It's finally 2017, and it's time I talk for a second. 

So, I know I say this a lot 'cause I suck, but I haven't updated in ages and I'm sorry. I am literally the Dan Howell of YouTube. BUT. My resolution is to write a ton more and upload a ton because I haven't written in months. Nothing. And that scares me. I plan to stick to this (I have reminders set to post at least once a week). Again, I apologize sincerely. Don't forget to send in requests and leave me such amazing comments as you already have! 

Speaking of which, I love y'all's comments! I just finished replying to a ton and they make me feel so incredibly happy so thank you! 

The next post will be either later tonight or tomorrow with something new, so stay tuned! Now, onto the Q&A!

  If you had to meet one character, who would you meet? -  

If I could meet one character, it'd probably be either Leo or Percy. Percy has been my original boy, he's helped me through everything with his adventures, and I would love to tell him that. Leo, because, well, he's my baby. I love him.

  What type of books are in your wattpad library? - GraceChildOfAthena

I like this one! Okay, so, I have some fanfiction in there, not gonna lie. I also have some cool stories my friends recommended, but I don't have much I actively read. If you have some cool things you want me to read, let me know! I reccommend this story called Sleep Deprived. It's really good. 

  Where do you get the inspiration? - lizziending73  

I get inspiration from the books, other books not relating to them, seeing interactions when I go out, and just thinking up scenarios I wish would happen. It's all about taking this around me and what's in my head and running with them. 

  What do you like about Luke and what do you not like about him? (I love Luke so I want to know your opinion) - iiwestcoast  

Okay. Tough, tough question. Something I love about Luke is his drive. When he puts his mind to something, he does it, no matter what. Of course, that could lead to bad things, but it's a good quality to have and you could definitely see it in him. One thing I don't like about Luke is how broken and hurt he is. It's ultimately what leads him to join Kronos and it makes me sad to see such a character with a great personality and caring, loyal heart for others be broken so bad by his family and his past that he decides to join the "dark side" of the plotline. However, Rick writes in such a way that you love Luke anyway, and I wouldn't change a thing about Luke, no matter how much I want to save him from suffering. 

  Do you like any bands? - SonicSerenade  

Do I! I love bands, I listen to a lot of them. Just to name a few, I love Panic! At the Disco, Fall Out Boy, 5 Seconds of Summer, Sleeping with Sirens, Jonas Brothers (I still do listen to them), All Time Low, and a lot more. 

What is your favorite PJO/HoO ship? - WinterWite

Oooo, okay. My favorite PJO ship is Percabeth, all the way. As for HoO, My favorite ship is Solangelo, I love them so much and they need to be together forever. 

  Do you like acappella? - koolangelsweets 

I do! Pentatonix is one of my favorite groups ever and I just think it sounds lovely. As for the app, I tried it and it's hard. But I will gladly watch others do it.  

Thanks so much for your questions! If you have any more, I will answer them in the comments :)

Thank you to all of you who have stuck with me for the past couple years. I appreciate it so much. Here's to a fresh start and a new year of writing. To start all that good stuff in the comments, I have a few questions for you! 

How would you guys feel if I started a YouTuber x Reader book? 

If I started a YouTube channel, would you guys watch? (I want to talk about writing and vlog and all that stuff, so let me know if you think you would watch!)

What was your favorite one shot of mine and why?

Thank y'all so much for everything. I love you guys with all my heart. 

- Henni x 

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