Frank x Reader Part 2

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Hi! I'm not dead! I've been struggling with a lot lately but I'm back and ready to write! I hope you guys enjoy and I will have some new chappies up for you soon! - Henni 

Title: Cheating and Friend-Zoned (Part 2)

Requested?: Yep!

Warnings: Nothing but a bit of fluff!

Summary: The conclusion of Frank and Reader !!

I sat at my cabin's table at dinner, Frank sitting beside me as he made small talk with some of my siblings. I turned to Frank and tapped his shoulder lightly, getting his attention as he looked at me, concern clearly showing with his eyes. 

"Thanks again for sitting with me. I couldn't have gotten out to face everyone if it weren't for you." I smiled lightly as he returned the smile, his cheeks taking a slightly pink hue. 

"Anything for you, (Y/N)." He smiled a little wider and I blushed at his response. I looked down at my plate, a smile on my lips as I continued to hear my siblings talking to Frank about the Ares children. I tuned out everyone as my mind wandered to Frank. He has done so much for me in the years I've known him. He has been there for me through everything, and never failed to make my heart flutter and make me smile. My cheeks darkened, the pink turn bright red at the thought of the son of Ares. It was then when I realized that the person that has loved me the whole time was sitting right next to me. It was then that I realized Frank was who I needed. I looked up and noticed Frank was staring at me, his brows furrowed with concern and confusion. 

"Are you alright?" He asked, his eyes darted across my face. I nodded quickly and looked into his eyes. 

"Can I talk to you, after dinner?" I held my breath for his response, and he nodded slowly, still concerned. I allowed a smile to appear on my face to reassure him, and I looked back down at my plate, waiting for dinner to be over.


Frank and I walked slowly back to my cabin, hands brushing against each other lightly as we walked in silence. I let out a shaky breath before opening my mouth to speak. 

"Frank?" I started.

"Yeah?" He responded. I grasped his hand and tugged on it lightly to stop him, and he stared down at our intertwined hands with wide eyes before looking at me. 

"I'm sorry for not realizing sooner." I said, and stepped closer to him. I felt his breath fan across my face as I saw his face contort into one of utter confusion, his eyes remaining wide. 

"What are you-" He didn't finish his sentence as I quickly stepped forward and pressed my lips to his, my hand leaving his and both my arms wrapping around his neck to bring him closer. I felt him tense before relaxing and kissing me back, his hands resting at my waist as he pulled me closer to him. We kissed for a few more seconds before we both pulled away, his face now adorning a huge grin. 

"Apology accepted." He muttered, and I laughed and kissed him again. 

PJO/HoO x Reader/One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now