Luke Castellan x Reader 3

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I swear I am the Dan Howell of Wattpad, but worse. Hello, friends! I'm not dead, just extremely busy, and I forget to post my chapters, even after I write them. I hope you like this chapter, I will try my best to post more frequently (no promises). Feel free to leave me comments, I love reading them :)

Title: Secret Boyfriend

Requested: Yes! By EveryoneNeedsAnAndy 

Warnings: A bit of angst I guess, pretty much all fluff. Make-out session!

Summary: You're Percy Jackson's sister, a daughter of Poseidon, and also in a secret relationship with Luke Castellan. 

It was tough, seeing Luke charm and flirt with girls at camp, flashing them his signature smirk and practically seeing the girls melt under his gaze, and not stomp over and kiss the son of Hermes like my life depended on it. He was mine,  but the only problem was that he and I were the only people that knew that. We decided, although difficult, we would keep our relationship under wraps, at least for now. The main reason for that being that my fish boy of a brother, Percy, would kill him in a heartbeat. 

"Hey, (Y/N), what are you thinking about?" Luke's voice brought me out of my thoughts, sitting next to me on the bench of the training area. I smiled at the blonde, scooting closer, but not nearly as close as I wanted, to him. 

"You, as always. Have a nice chat with Gwen?" I asked, referring to the camper he was just talking to. I didn't mean to, but the question sounded a lot more harsh out loud. Luke rolled his eyes, his smile only widening at my jealousy. 

"It was fine, she just asked me where the Stolls were, and how to prank them back." He chuckled a bit, before he paused, his wide smile turning into a mischievous smirk. "She also told me Percy was out for his swim, which means your cabin is empty, and I am in the mood for a cuddle session with my girl." He said suggestively, and my heart practically screamed for me to agree to his proposal in disguise. So, unable to say no, I nodded, and stood up. 

"Let's go, Blondie." 


"Mm, this is nice." Luke mumbled into my neck, his arms pulling me closer to his body. I turned in his arms to face him, seeing a sleepy grin on his face, his eyes closed in bliss. My heart melted at the sight. It was times like this where I would forget about the struggle of keeping us a secret, times like this where I was free to love him with no boundaries or hidden gestures. 

"I bet I could make it better." I said playfully, and Luke's eyes opened at my words. 

"Oh yeah?" He questioned, moving closer, our lips only inches apart. 

"Yeah." I whispered, before closing the gap and pressing my lips to his. Every kiss led to fireworks to go off in my mind and butterflies to erupt in my stomach and rib cage. I felt like I was on Cloud 9 in his arms. I felt Luke sit up, carrying me with him and placing me on his lap. We kissed like we were each other's oxygen, my hands quickly tangling my fingers in his hair and his hands on my waist, his thumbs rubbing circles on my skin. I felt like I truly reached Elysium, until-

"WHAT THE HADES IS THIS?" Percy's voice pierced the comfortable silence, causing Luke and I to jump apart. 

"Perce, I can explain-" I started, but my statement was quickly cut off by Percy charging forward and pulling me away from the child of Hermes. He left me by the door before walking forward again to Luke, his hands balling into fists. He was about to punch the boy before I screamed, "PERCY, STOP." The raven haired boy paused before turning to me. His eyes were dark, and a deep frown was set on his lips. 

"Let's go, (Y/N)." He started out the cabin, taking my arm to drag me with him, but I ripped my arm out of his grip. 

"No." I said as confidently as I could, my voice shaking just a bit. Percy stopped in his tracks, turning painfully slow to look at me. 


"I said no. I'm not going to let you keep me from Luke. I-" I paused, careful of my next words. Words I never said to Luke before. "I love him, and you can't stop me from doing that."

"You what?!" Both of the demigods asked in sync, and if it weren't for the immediate conflict, I would have laughed. 

"Percy, please. Put your feelings for him aside, and think about this. He makes me so happy, don't you want me to be happy?" I attempted reasoning, anything to distract from my confession. 

"Well, yeah, but-"

"But nothing. He makes me happy. Please, respect that I am happy." I stared at my brother, pleading with him with not just my words, but my eyes. His green eyes looked at me, before moving and settling on Luke. 

"One wrong move, and you're dead." He said after a moment, causing Luke to nod and me to let out a sigh of relief. I surged forward, bringing Percy into a hug. 

"Thank you." I said, and Percy returned the hug, eyes still on Luke, glaring at him. 

"I meant what I said. I'm going to go swim, I need to process this." Percy let go, shooting me a small smile and a final glare to Castellan before leaving the cabin closing the door behind him. 

"You love me." Was Luke's first words since Percy found us, and I turned to look at him. 

"Yeah, I do. I love you, Luke Castellan." My voice was soft, yet firm in it's truth, and before I knew it I was pulled into my boyfriend's arms, his lips capturing mine in a sweet kiss. He pulled away with the biggest smile I've ever seen, and I couldn't help but mirror it. 

"I love you too, (Y/N) (Y/L/N)."

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