After the Wedding

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After the party had died down a bit, Jareth pulled Sarah aside from the rest of the remaining guests. 

"Where are we going?" , Sarah asked.

"To a place where humans nary even dream about. But first, we're going to ride there on my best friend, Jackson. He's a griffin", Jareth replied. 

Looking a tad puzzled, Sarah still followed him to where Jackson was sleeping. At first, Sarah was skeptical about riding a griffin, or any magical creature. They climbed onto his back, and Jackson flew high into the starry night sky. 

Jareth asked," Are you enjoying the view from up here?" 

"Suprisingly, I am enjoying the view, considering the fact that I'm partially afraid of flying," Sarah replied as they soared higher and higher into the air. Little did Sarah know, Jareth had created an entire paradise for her, just in case she ever wanted to come back, which he was always hoping for, ever since she had left.

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