Getting the Children Back

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Sarah and Lucy began to cry. "Where are the kids? Jareth, where are they??!!", Sarah screamed. Lucy couldn't say anything. She was too distraught to speak. Neither of them knew what to do, except cry because they had just lost their beloved children. No one knew how to find them or where they could possibly be. The real question is, if by the time that they're found, will they even still be alive? Meanwhile, in the throne room, Jareth and Peter wer trying to think of a way to get them back safe and sound. 

"Should we try locating them with a spell?", Peter asked. He was starting to get worried also. Jareth, on the other hand, had dealt with this sort of problem before when he had lost Sarah the first time.  He knew that there had to be a way to get them back. 

"I know what we have to do. We have to bring together the Order of the Lion. Only with their help, do we have a chance to bring them back. We need to find Tonks, Kingsley, Mad Eye, and Lupin. They are the only ones left in the Order. Everyone else is either dead or has left to protect their families. " 

"Last I heard, Kingsley was staying in my kingdom and the others were traveling here by Apparation for the ball." 

"All right. I need to talk to Aunt Grace first before we move any further with this plan." Jareth then headed out to their aunt's mansion in the city of Gandalf, which lies just outside of his kingdom. But, Jareth also knew this, if the mission to get them back was too risky, he could end up jeopardizing Sarah's life in the process. Over the years, he had considered sending her home when he thought that she wouldn't be safe. But, once he had given her the necklace, that no harm could ever come to her. So, he rode off on his horse, which he named after his mother, Evelyn. It seemed ike such a long journey, considering what was running through his mind. Sarah was trying to cope with the loss of her children by sewing, reading, basically anything that she could to keep herself from crying her eyes out. Queen Lucy had gone home to her castle, where she went to her chambers and just looked a picture of her family from inside of her locket. Peter had given it to her when they had first met as a token of his undying love towards her. Peter, on the other hand, was writing letters to the members of the Order so that they could meet and discuss the problem at hand. At his castle in the Mountains of Death, where Dark Kingdom lies, King Caius was preparing for his dark wedding to Susan so that he would gain the ruling powers of the Kingdom of Fairies and Elves. She was being fitted for a black dress, very similar to that of her mother's wedding gown, that  she had seen many times. He had kidnapped the others so that he could use them as witnesses to the ritual and to steal their powers as well, because combined, the four of them were impossible to defeat. Only King Caius knew of the prophecy that had been written about them, of how they, when joined as one, created the most power that the Underground had ever seen. Together, they could use their powers for good or evil. If used for good, the Underground realm would flourish for many years to come. But, if their powers were used for the forces of evil, everything and everyone could be destroyed in their path. Finally, Jareth got to his aunt's mansion. Surprisingly enough, she was waiting for him.  

"It's nice to see you, Jareth. It's been a while. How's the family?", she asked him as he approached her.  

"Hello, Aunt Grace. It's nice to see you, too. To tell you the truth, not so well. My children, along with my niece and nephew, have been kidnapped, but you already knew that, considering the fact that you can see into the future." 

"Yes, I am well aware of the situation. Come, we'll go into the room where I keep my Penseive. It can show me where they are and whether or not they are still alive. But, in order for it to work, I'll need something of theirs that they all share to make the bond as strong as possible."

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