Children (They Can Be A Handful)

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After returning to the palace, Jareth  takes Sarah upstairs to their room and lays her down so she can relax. Just then, a page came to the bedroom door and knocked three times.

"Your Majesty, I bring a message to you from the kingdom of Fairies and Elves." 

"Yes, what is it?" 

" Your brother and your sister in law, King Peter and Queen Lucy, they wish to speak with you at once, Sire. It's about their son and daughter, Prince Edmund and Princess Susan. Apparently, Susan's been having trouble with learning how to use her powers and has requested your assistance. How soon are you available to depart?" 

" Send back a message saying that I'll be there as soon as I can," Jareth said. And with that, the page left. 

"Sarah, is it okay if I go and help out our family?" 

"Yes, you can go. I trust you. Hurry back, I mean, who knows when this baby will come?" 

"I won't just leave you here unprotected. I'll send for my Aunt Grace. She's a witch, and she might be able to help you with better preparations for how to take care of a baby. I've also provided the necklace that I gave you with protection magic." And leaving the conversation at that, Jareth kisses the top of Sarah's forehead before disappearing because he can teleport. He then goes to where Jackson is, climbs onto his back and flies away. It took him three days to reach it. After reaching the Kingdom of Fairies and Elves, Jareth finds himself in the throne room. A man then enters through the door closest to the king's throne. It was Jareth's older brother, Peter, who he hadn't seen since he'd left to go and marry Queen Lucy ten years ago.  

"Ah, Jareth, my beloved and slightly headstrong brother. How have you been lately?",said King Peter. 

"Hello, Peter. It's nice to see you again. Now if I remember correctly, our last conversation that involved magic had ended with you in a headlock from trying to encase me in a ball of water. Remember?", Jareth replied to him. 

"Yes, I remember. But we were only teenagers back  then, and it was just a practical joke." 

"So, what's the problem with my niece and nephew? Have they learned how to use their powers yet?"

"Sadly, only Edmund has, but his ways of trying to help Susan with hers aren't working.The last time that he tried, the spell had teleported her to the outskirts of the kingdom. I need you to talk to him, seeing as how you've always been the better one at using magic between the two of us." 

"All right, I'll go and talk to them about the situation."

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