Coming Home to Sarah

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After facing so many dangers, Jareth finally came home where Sarah was waiting for him just outside of the castle. She seemed a little weaker than usual from when he left. As soon as she could see the ship coming into view, she had run downstairs as fast as she could to hug him, because she missed him so much. 

"Oh, Jareth. Where have you been? I expected you back over a month ago. What happened to you?", Sarah asked with tears in her eyes. 

"Sarah, as I was leaving my brother's kingdom, I headed straight to come back here. Then my aunt sent me a telepathic message saying that you would be dead before giving birth to our child. So, I sent a message to my friend Cedric, who is the captain of my ship to meet me halfway on my journey to the home of the Ancestral Witches. They knew of a power that can keep you alive, the power of the Ancient Diamonds. Only with their power, are you able to become immortal and I'll never lose you again," he answered. 

"It's just, I've missed you so much!" 

"I've missed you, too. Also, I've been able to harness some of their power and put it into this necklace. As long as you wear it, you will always be safe from harm." Now, let's go inside and get you off of your feet." The two went inside after a long absence from each other, too long. Soon after, followed a beautiful evening, full of romance and joy. They couldn't be any happier with their lives. More time passed, and Sarah became fuller and fuller throughout the remainder of her pregnancy. One day, while walking in the royal garden, Sarah stopped moving. She looked flushed, and started to fall to the ground. Jareth stopped her from hitting the ground and held her in his arms. He then carried her to their bedroom, called for a midwife, and prepared himself for helping her with delivering this baby. Hours passed, she seemed to be going through so much unbearable pain until the final push and out came a beautiful set of twins, a boy and a girl. This was unexpected by all, because everyone had originally been expecting only one child at the time.  

"Oh, my gosh! They're so beautiful!!", Sarah cried while holding them in her arms. 

"What shall we name them?",asked Jareth. "For our daughter, Hayley Catherine Elizabeth Marie, after my mother, Catherine. And for our son, we can name him after you and your father. He'll have your father's first name and your name for his first middle name. His name will be Arthur Jareth Edward Michael",Sarah said, before giving Jareth a kiss for helping her through the painful experiences of childbirth.

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