Chapter 18: Way Big Cosmic Voodoo

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The next morning, I blinked at the sunlight and stumbled across the room for my phone. What time was it anyway?

"We're still on for tonight, right?" Brady had texted. 

Fishing. Ugh. I'd almost forgot. 

"Did Madison say she'd come?" he asked next.

I called him. He picked up the call on the first ring. "I didn't get a chance to talk to her yet," I said.

"You didn't?"

"It was late."

"But ..."


"But what?"

More silence.

"Your phone was busy."

That's right. It was. Think, Summer, I told myself. What would that good girlfriend do? My eyelid started to twitch. "M-m-must have been when I was trying to call her."

"For three hours?"


"I'll try her again right now."

Madison's mom reported she was out for a walk. With Jacob.

That was not a part of the plan -- but maybe it could work in my favor. Jacob would have to tell Madison about the activities he and Brady had planned. That meant I wouldn't be the one to suggest fishing to my 'Meat Is Murder' friend. I wouldn't have to tell Brady that she'd refused to go either. And Brady wouldn't have to tell his best friend that Madison Denise Bianchetti said he could kiss her sweet ... you know.

I tried to call Craig next. He needed to know where we stood with the Secret Plan. When he didn't answer, I sent a text: ALL SYSTEMS GO FOR TONIGHT.

My phone rang a couple of minutes later. It was Craig. "That's not what I hear," he said.


"I just got off the phone with Brady."


"He says Madison's with Jacob right now."

"Exactly," I said. "She should be stomping his heart to pieces any minute."

"Don't count on it."


Craig has a few theories of his own. One of them is: Girls always go for the turd waffles.

Well, maybe. But those are ordinary girls. Not giddy, moody, furry girls like Madison.

"We'll see," he said.

Okay, so I was wrong. Girls really do go for the turd-whatevers. Madison called as soon as she read the note I'd left for her on my blog:

Tuesday, June 16, 11:46 A.M.

Term of the Day: Dupe – A person who is deceived or tricked.

Dear You Know Who You Are,

Don't be a dupe. Is he being nice to you? Of course he is. You caught him red-handed (or would that be pink-tongued?) And yes, it is statistically possible (but not very likely) that he is telling the truth THIS TIME. What about all of those other times?

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