Chapter 25: Further Notes to Self

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Brady would be back on Thursday. How hard could it be to avoid Dave Brown until then? After all, I'd been working on it for years and practice makes perfect, right? I started by calling Madison. With Jacob out of town too, surely she'd be free. We could commiserate. It would be fun. Except the third Sunday in June, Madison reminded me, is the date of the fabulous Bianchetti Family Reunion. And when I say fabulous, I am the one being facetious.

No really. Imagine several dozen of Madison's (more than slightly furry) aunts alternately kissing/pinching you on the cheeks, while shoving plates of food at you.

"Uh, sorry Madison, you're on your own there."

I tried Kiersten next. "I have to do a double shift but you could hang out at the coffee shop with me."

The coffee shop was out. You Know Who might show up there. I decided to work on Mom's website for once but a little while later, I found myself opening my blog and reading the comments:

c-bob 2: Call me.

summer: I can't.

c-bob 2: Then at least quit making your mom tell me you're in the shower.

summer: But c-bob 2, I AM in the shower. Sorry.

c-bob 2: All day? A girl could get pruny.

summer: OK, OK. Quit calling. You're driving my parents crazy. And when you drive my parents crazy, they drive ME crazy. No phone calls. I can't think when you talk to me. PM me.

c-bob 2: K. brb.

For several minutes I wondered if Dave had the same concept of time that I did. Maybe be right back didn't work as fast in his world? Then I thought, hey, maybe he'd changed his mind. Maybe some online girl had caught his attention. Boys + the Internet = You know how that can go.

And I was okay with it. Really. If Dave Brown wanted to spend his time ogling girls in black eyeliner and matching underpants, then he could have them. After all, I had a pretty good boyfriend already, one that quite possibly would not approve of me messaging back and forth with a kid who had recently sniffed my neck. But no.

c-bob 2: Summer? I've got to - hold on.

summer: I see how it is.

c-bob 2: What?

summer: Go ahead. I'm sure she's quite charming.

c-bob 2: Huh?

summer: Your new internet friend. Has she agreed to write your name on her cleavage yet?

c-bob 2: i. don't. understand.

summer: whatever

c-bob 2: No. Really. I tried getting back in Craig's message system but I don't have his password. Then I tried setting up my own file but it won't let me. He's got some kind of security program. Probably his mom. You know how she is.

summer: Um. Yeah. Too bad. I guess we'll have to go back to not talking.

c-bob 2: NO! I'll call you.

summer: But I am still in the shower.

c-bob 2: What about here? Like this?

summer: OK, but I warn you, I have a delete key and I know how to use it.


summer: What are you doing at Craig's anyway? I thought he already left for vacation?

c-bob2: He did. His mom's paying me $50 to take care of the dog. It's kind of creepy being in Craig's house all by myself though. I'm glad you're talking to me - even if it has to be here, on this Zoolio thing. So. You hate me, huh? It WAS my mood ring to start with. lol. And I'm sorry about the rest. Really, really sorry.

summer: How much of my blog have you read?




You're sorry about last night?

c-bob 2: NO! I'm sorry I threw up in your lap! I am NOT sorry about last night. Are you?

summer: sigh. no. I'm not sorry about last night either. I am only sorry that it didn't happen sooner.

c-bob 2:   :)

summer: No, not :) It's more like :(

c-bob 2: huh?

summer: When I said sooner, I meant like >> B.B.

c-bob 2: BB?

summer: Before Brady. What am I supposed to do now?

c-bob 2: What did your mom did when your dad swashbuckled her?

summer: You read that too?

c-bob2: mmmhmmm

summer: Why are you making this ~so~ hard?

c-bob 2: Why are YOU making it ~so~ hard? I like you. You like me. According to the blog you deleted, you might even Love me. That is, if you don't Hate/Execrate me.

summer: *blush* OK, I've decided - - > I hate you.

c-bob 2: You're kidding, right?

summer: Don't push it.

c-bob 2: C'mon Summer, you know Brady's not the right guy for you.

summer: What could you possibly mean by that?

c-bob 2: Brady's great. He's my friend too, remember? But, he's not like you. He's a regular guy and all he wants to do is to lead a regular life.

summer: So that makes me what? Irregular?

c-bob 2: That makes you AMAZING!

summer: *double blush*

ittybittykitty: WHAT blog she deleted? WHAT happened last night? WHO is c-bob2?

summer: oh sh*t! deleting ... deleting ... this conversation never happened. Itty, please, please, PLEASE don't post anything about this?

Note to Self: It could have been Madison who caught you talking to Dave Brown, instead of some random stranger. Be careful.

Further Notes to Self: Careful isn't good enough. Do NOT, under any circumstances, speak to Dave Brown, online - or otherwise.


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