Chapter 28: S'more

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I turned off all the phones the next morning. I didn't sit anywhere near the computer either. Or open the door when someone knocked.

Alas, my brother refused to go along with the program. He also refused to participate in the 'Summer doesn't live here any more' scheme I'd hastily thrown together. Instead, he invited Kiersten, Madison and Dave Brown to come inside. That was just before he said, "She'll be right out." And opened the door to the hall closet (where I was hiding). Then added, "Won't you?" right in front of them. Note to Self: Kill brother.

2:37 PM Tennis is brutal. I thought I'd be great at a game where Love = Zero. But. As bad as Madison is at golf that's how much I suck at tennis, squared. Cubed maybe. The little skirts are cute though. Almost worth learning how to play the game.

I thought Dave and I would be on the same team. But no. He played with Madison. Poor Kiersten got stuck with me. We didn't talk about the blog at all. (Thankyouverymuch.) That would have been too weird.

Something else was wired/weird today. Most of my life (at least since I was six and he stole my mood ring) Dave Brown has paid attention to me. It wasn't always welcome attention (see orange soda, bra out-ing and other assorted incidents) but, you know, I'd sort of come to count on it.

Today he only acknowledged my existence was when he zinged balls in my direction. On the bright side: He and Madison seemed to get along really well. Maybe the Secret Plan is on after all.

2:59 PM Funny how things work out sometimes. ha. ha.

3:15 PM I think I need a nap. Or chocolate. Or both. What does it for you guys? When you find yourself l-o-w, what do you do to get back to your old happy self again?

7:09 PM The envelopes please:

firestar: Yes on the chocolate. No on the nap. If I'm already sad, I don't dare go to sleep. Once, when I found out my boyfriend was cheating on me, I slept for three days straight.

mary-go-round: When I'm in a dark mood it's chocolate all the way -- dark chocolate. And a bubble bath. Aaahh ... kinda makes me wish I had something to be sad about.

murderator: I'm sad too. Care to share that bath?

herbestfriend: Why don't we call Dave and ask him to go to the movies? Movies are good when you're feeling down. P.S. I vote YES on the chocolate too -- and you (all of you, thanks to our friend) already know I'm a sucker for sad songs.

flowrgrrl: Confession is, like, good for the soul.

I responded:

dear firestar, No sleeping? Oops, too late. I snoozed away the entire afternoon.

dear mary-go-round, Note to self: get DARK chocolate for DARK moods.

dear murderator, Wouldn't the tub be a little crowded? I mean, you, me ... your ego?

dear her(my)bestfriend, Rain check on the movie, k?

dear flowrgrrl, Here's a confession for ya: You are starting to p*ss me off.

The list:

Things I Love:


bubble baths

Things I Hate:

everything else

What passes for dinner conversation at my house:

"Summer, try the pea salad."

"I hate peas."

"Then eat your bratwurst."

"I hate bratwurst."

"Is there something you'd like to talk about?"

Insert familial raising of eyebrows (here) .


"I hate talking too."

Thursday, June 26, 3:05 AM

Term of the Day: Tandem - An arrangement that involves two people or things

Sitting in the dark. Whistling to myself. Missing tandem-nosity ...



I was about to give up and go to bed when a light flickered outside. Was someone in my yard? It looked like ... what the heck? Some kind of torch? Probably one of Tim's freaky friends. They practically LIVE in our garage. But when the flame shot up again I realized ...




4:02 AM Sergio, my Sergio, how did you DO that? Don't tell me about the principles of combustion. I took the same science class you did. What I want to know is this:

How can one kiss from you melt me on the inside and burn me on the outside? I am a marshmallow for you.

Then there's THIS mystery: Why just ONE kiss? Not that I'm complaining. It was a great kiss, a fabulous kiss ~ but just ONE? You really know how to hurt a girl when all she wants is ... s'more.

So this is desire?

Come back to me, Sergio, and I'll kiss you until the sun comes up.

So this is need?

Come back to me, Sergio, and I may never stop.

Come back, but hurry, the sun rises early and I HAVE TO HAVE MORE OF YOU.

sergio: Why just one kiss? After reading your post, I'm asking myself the same question. *scratches head* I am such a dork. Here's why: You call yourself the child of a cliché master but you haven't heard THIS one?

~Nobody buys the cow when they get the milk for free~

For Sale: One cow.

Wait! Maybe I'm a steer. My farm vocab sucks. I think cows may just be girls. Looking up ... looking up ... looking ... NO! I am NOT a cow ... looking up ... And I am most definitely NOT a steer.

For Sale: One BULL. Watch out for the horns!

And now, no more words. I meant what I said tonight. There IS an us -- or there ISN'T. The only thing I want to hear from you today is ... SOLD.

summer: Counting my pennies to see how much of you I can afford.

Okay. So it's true. I love Dave Brown. Tell me you wouldn't?

Tell me if a boy showed up in your yard – and not just any boy, but a boy with technicolor eyes and the perfect amounts of silk and sandpaper – if he magically appeared in the middle of the night, could you ask him to leave? You think you could?

But what if he came bearing marshmallows? And chocolate? And graham crackers? And a flame? And what if the fire he lit in you burned hotter than anything you ever imagined? If he licked your sticky fingers; could you still tell him to go?

But what if you tasted him? And you knew all at once, that this was the flavor you'd hungered for all your life? Are you telling me you'd still say no? 


So. I love Dave Brown. Now what?


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