Chapter 20: Avast, Ye Mateys!

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I probably should have started on my mom's list of chores first thing the next morning. I didn't, but only because I felt sort of gluggy, like some kind of moonlight madness had a spell on me. At least I worked on my (cough) website.

10:16 A.M. Bonus Term of the Day: Charnel -- A special chamber built to hold the bones of the dead.

My room is like a charnel. No, I do not have any dead bodies in there (YET) but I do keep some interesting souvenirs. I hang stuff up all over my walls. Plus, I have a little box that I store things in ... things from old relationships. Want to take a peek?

lol. No. L-O-freakin'-L.

What was I thinking about some of those guys? I know I promised to share with you, but I refuse to go into detail. If I did, you would know me for the true dork-princess that I am. Here's a sample though:

In my charnel is the actual piece of petrified gum that I took out of my mouth just before I got my very first kiss.

Do you remember your first kiss?

I added something to the box before I shoved it back into the closet: One droopy, dying dandelion. I came to my senses a minute later and pulled the box back out. I yanked out the weed. I dropped it in the kitchen trash before I started concentrating on my mother's torture du jour: cobweb eradication.

This is a task I normally hate, yet somehow, it felt strangely comforting. Sweeping all the corners clean seemed to make my heart beat a little smoother. Plus, it gave me something to do besides:

1. Talk to Brady on the phone:

"Hey, Beautiful."


"Where'd you go last night?"

"Home. You know ..."

"Really? Because Madison said she stopped at your house and you weren't there yet."

Think. Oh yeah... "I f-forgot. It was such a nice night that I wandered around before I ..."

"Did you happen to see Dave?"


"I heard he was at the park with some girl."

"Um, I really need to get some work done before Mom comes home for lunch. See ya."

Or 2. Talk to Craig online:

craig: Where were you last night?

me: Around.

craig: Would 'around' be anywhere near the park?

me: Huh?

craig: Lily said she thought she saw you.

me: You talked to Lily? I didn't know you two were friends.

craig: We're not. Not really. So about the park?

me: Sorry, gotta go. My mom and her lists. 

Or 3. Talk on the phone again, this time with Madison:


"Sorry, busy. Later. Bye.


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