Faeries G

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Gancanagth - Pronounced "Gon-cawn-ah". He's a faery who materializes in lonely places and attempts to seduce human females, who will eventually die of love for him. He carries a clay pipe, although he doesn't smoke it-faeries generally dislike smoke.

Gandharvas - Extra small faeries who live underground and possess vast musical talents. They will cause humans no harm, but avoid them if possible.

Gans - Vaporous spirits who inhabit the mountains of the North American Southwest. They are neither good nor evil.

Geancanach - Pronounced "Gan-cahn-ock". They're pixie-like in appearance, with huge eyes that curve upward on the ends and pointed ears. They are the guardians of home hearths, and they crave the warmth of the fireside and are quite harmless to have around, although they do have a tendency to play pranks.

Ghillie Dhu - Pronounced "Gillee Doo or Yoo". They're guardian tree spirits who are disguised as foliage and dislike human beings. They prefer birch trees to all others, and jealously guard them from humans.

Gianes - Pronounced "Gee-ahwn-ayes"; they're solitary wood Elves who occasionally will aid humans. They are master cloth weavers, but they weave for fun rather than for anyone's benefit.

Giants and Ogres - Giants look like humans but are much bigger. They have also been known to be both friendly and nasty. Ogres are about the same size as humans but have deformed faces, excessive body hair, and sometimes a hump in their backs. Ogres are usually unfriendly.

Gitto - Pronounced "Ghee-toes". They have the heads of horses and the bodies of goats, but they have human speech and laughter. Through they have no wings, they can fly for short distances. They don't like people.

Glashtin - Pronounced "Glosh-teen". It's a goblin who is half cow and half horse. If the head part is a cow he is stupid; if a horse, he is shrewd and cunning. They appear during storms in which they revel and play, seeming to take delight in the havoc they leave behind.

Glaistig - She is a water faery, a beautiful seductress with the body of a goat which she hides under a long billowy green dress. She lures men to dance with her, then feeds like a vampire on their blood. She can be benign as well, often tending children and the elderly or herding cattle for farmers.

Gnomes - Dwarf faeries who appear to be quite old because they mature very early, though their average life span is around a thousand years. They reach maturity in about a hundred years, at which time they stand about 12 inches tall and look well past middle age. They're kind-hearted and will always aid sick or frightened animals.

Goblin - They are somewhat malicious little creatures. They can appear as animals. They are thieves and villains, and count the dead among their companions. They like to tempt people with faery fruits. They're not truly completely evil, however. Some of them can be rather nice.

Golem - They're human in appearance, but is not a thinking creature, it's a Jewish a zombie.

Grant - Looks something like a small, oddly-formed horse, though he walks erect. He warns humans of approaching trouble and is said to be very friendly, if somewhat terrifying to see.

Green Lady of Caerphilly - She haunts ruined castles, and often appears as ivy.

Gremlin - They range in size from very small to almost human-sized, and they're hairy all over and tend to be dun to dark brown in color. They don't like humans and seek to destroy them whenever possible.

Gruagach - Pronounced "Grew-g'ac"; it's a solitary female faery, extremely grotesque in appearance, but with a heart of gold. She enjoys any brief human contact she can get and will offer whatever help she can in your spiritual pursuits if you don't show fear or revulsion.

Guriuz - Pronounced "Goor-ee-use". They used to help bring the weather needed by Italian farmers.

Gragedd Annwn - Pronounced "Gwergeth Ai-noon"; they're beautiful blonde water faeries who love children and are helpful to human mothers, children, and the poor. They seem uninterested in males except as occasional mates.

Gwyllions - Mountain dwellers who care for the wild goats of Wales and are rarely seen. They dislike humans, whom they regard as arrogant, and so they keep their distance form them.

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