Faeries L

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Lamas - Kind, protective spirits of ancient Chaldea , the Lamas supervised the welfare of mortals and were usually female. Most often, a winged, hybrid creature.

Landvaettir - Spirits of the land that inhabit stones, rivers, animals, and such. Some say they are the stones and trees. They mostly keep to themselves.

Leanansidhe - Pronounced "Lan-awn-shee"; she's a beautiful vampire faery. She is said to give inspiration to poets, but the reward for her services is death or, at best, captivity in her kingdom.

Leprechauns - Pronounced "Lep-rah-kahn". He's a solitary faery and a trickster who loves to play pranks on the humans he meets. They are always seen wearing green clothing of costly material and green tri-cornered hats. They're mischievous, but will be helpful to humans if approached with respect. They're quick-witted unless they are drunk. He guards a pot of gold, and if one can gain control of one of these wily creatures one can have the cauldron, and three wishes along with it. If he can trick you into making a fourth wish by sundown, you lose all you wishes and the crock of gold.

Lesidhe - Pronounced "Lay-shee"; a guardian of the forests who is always disguised as foliage. They appear to be androgynous and, even though they're usually found in groups, they seem to have little to do with one another. Therefore, they can be classified as solitaries rather than trooping faeries. Unless one gets up and walks about it is hard to distinguish them from the green plants and trees they hide among. They like to mimic mockingbird to confuse hikers and travelers, and over time they have learned to make even more confusing human noises. It is believed that they have come to dislike humans for their callous treatment of the environment, and even though no Lesidhe has ever actually harmed anyone, their pranks are nasty, usually involving trying to lose people in deep woods.

Limniades - Pronounced "Leem-nee-od-ayes"; it's a word from which we derive our word illuminate. They're small blobs of pure light, and like their cousins, the English Will-O'-the-Wisps, they avoid humans.

The Little People of the Passamquoddy Indians - They're two kinds: the Nagumwasuck, and the Mekumwasuck. They're both two to three feet tall and ugly. The Nagumwasuck are closely involved with their humans, often singing sadly when there's a death in the tribe, and dancing at weddings. They're self-conscious of their ugliness, and it is near fatal to laugh at them. The Mekumwasuck live in the woods and dress outlandishly, their faces being covered with hair. They're the guardians of the Catholic Church. If a Mekumwasuck looks directly at you, you either die or acquire a contagious disease of some sort.

Lob - A small dark blob that looks rather like a rain cloud with arms. He spends all his time deciding how he can make the most trouble. Fortunately, he is lazy and rarely carries through with his ideas, though he delights in human misery. The Lob is attracted to ugly, raw emotions and to argument and fighting.

Lunantishess or Lunantishee - They are the tribe which guards blackthorn bushes. They will never allow a stick to be cut on November 11th or May 11th. If you manage to cut a stick on those days, you will experience misfortune.

Lutins - Expert shape shifters who have not held one form long enough for any human to characterize their appearance. They are extremely capricious, being useful one minute and destructive the next.

Ly Erg - There is only one Ly Erg. He dresses like a soldier and can only be distinguished from a real one by his small size and his red right hand. He's seen as a portent of death, but unlike so many such portents, this is one with whom you have a second chance at life. It is reported that he will stop his mark on a road or path (especially if it is near water) and challenge you with a raising of his red right hand. The best thing to do in this instance is to retreat, because if you allow him to engage you in combat you will die within a fortnight. His red hand is said to be the result of many years of bloodstains from those he has killed in combat.

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