Faeries O

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Oak King - The Oak King is usually depicted as wearing a small breech cloth and a crown of oak leaves and acorns. In his right hand he carries a staff of oak wood. He is the king of the waxing year and the other half of the Holly King, the king of the waning year. From Yule to Midsummer the Oak King reigns, taking over the mantle of ruler ship from the Holly King.

Oakmen - Male dwarf faeries with huge heads who are the guardians of sacred oak groves. They are not very friendly towards people, but no one has ever been harmed by one.

Oannes - Fish-headed beings from another world, these were considered to be sea-gods by the ancient Chaldeans. Oannes lived among men by day, building the great Sumerian civilization and teaching art, science, and religion, while at night they returned to the Persian Gulf to swim in the ocean.

Ohdows - A race of small, well-formed people with the features of the Native Americans who live underground in North America . They use their magic to subdue the earth spirits who cause earthquakes.

Orculli - Giants with a mean disposition and a cannibalistic diet. On the rare occasions that they are seen, they appear as bearded males. They live on clouds and descend to earth only to obtain food. They prefer to eat their own kind, but will settle for beef and human meat if they must. Their touch alone can sicken cattle to death, and they are adept thieves. One Alpine legend says that these giants fear cats and will flee in terror from them. One can always tell when an Orculli is around because of the vile smell they produce, said to be like that of a rotting carcass. Despite their size they're slow and clumsy, and humans can easily get away from them.

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