Faery Origins & Detection

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There are many different stories about where faeries came from so it's hard to know exactly which one to use.

In one legend faeries are decendents of godlike beings from another world who came to our world to resettle after the destruction if their old world. In some lore the faeries themselves caused said destruction themselves.

In some lore the Other world or Faeries is not dead, but simply ruined and is disguised by faery Glamour's to appear beautiful when it in fact no longer is.

In other lore faeries are believed to be angels stranded here on earth after the biblical fall but had not fallen and are waiting to be taken back into heaven.

In one legend it is said that when the the first baby laughed for the first time, the laugh broke into a thousand pieces and they went skipping about and that was the beginning of faeries.

In other legends faeries are the living incarnations if nature itself and sometimes if a human dies and becomes a nature spirit they will be reborn as faeries.

There are ways the tell is a faery is near and those signs are as follows.

• Soft chiming bells

•A Strong scent of apples, grass or wild billets

•Strange haunting or jovial music

•Mysterious giggling that comes out of thin air

•Mushroom circles

•Large patches of four-leaf clovers

•Being followed by a crow or a raven

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