Chapter One

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I collapsed onto my bed exhausted from doing nothing for ages. There were two weeks left of my holidays, and these ones were proving to be the loneliest holiday I had ever spent.

See, I got to HogwartsschoolofWitchcraftand Wizardry and spend my time with three of the most awesome people anyone could ever meet. Ronald Weasley, is one of my best friends and I have a feeling he only puts up with me to copy my homework. None the less, he’s awesome.

Then there’s Hermione Granger. I love her to bits. She is my BFFL! And the smartest person I have ever met…she’s probably smarter than Dumbledore….

Finally, we come to Harry Potter. My brother, though we only found out about it six weeks ago. He is pretty cool, but he’s my brother, so I practically have to annoy him.

I also spent time with Ron’s brother, George, but for some reason he hadn’t sent me a single letter….no one really had though…not even from my birthday.

I was beginning to wonder if they still liked me, or if everything was part of a deranged dream. I mean, I was thinking that perhaps my life was a random book that I somehow wrote myself into it and believed it was real….

Nah, that can’t be happening! Who on earth would make something up called ‘LLAMA LODGE’? Someone would have to be pretty retarded.

I felt something jump up onto the bed beside me.

“Ahh, hello Soxy old chap, how are you?” I asked in a weird voice. I then answered for Soxy.  “I’m rather dandy Miss Willow!”

First sign of insanity is….something….I forgot. I also forgot the first sign of Alzheimer’s but that’s a different story.

The first sign of human contact I had, apart from scarring off strangers by being polite and yelling ‘hi’ at them, was a letter from Ron.

Willow, DAD GOT THE TICKETS! I’m so excited I can hardly write! Hermione arrived today, she says hi. Would it be too difficult for you to get to Harry’s on Sunday? Five o’clock.

I just remembered that you’re willow. Hermione says that you will probably walk in the front door without their permission and strut around like you own the place.

All our love

-          Ron and Hermione.

All our love? What are they? Married?

Maybe one day…


*** *** ***

I stalked down toPrivet Drive, dragging my trunk behind me, Soxy in his basket under my arm, in the direction of Harry’s house.

I rasped on the door five times.

“Hello, Dursley residence.” Harry said as he opened the door. He wore an oversized, grey shirt and ridiculously baggy jeans. As he looked up, he looked shocked as though he didn’t expect to see me.

“HelloWillow! How are you?” I asked impersonating him. “I’m good thanks Harry! How are you?”

“I’m good.” Harry said weakly. “aren’t the Weasleys coming?”

“They told me to meet them here, so here I am!” I said posing dramatically. “Tada!”

We looked at each other for a moment before having a majorly epic hug of epicness.

“I’m so glad to see youWillow.”

“I’m really glad to see you too.”

“Oi! Are they here or not?” an angry voice shouted from the other room.

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