Goof Ball

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Grayson's P.O.V

Daniella was kissing me. She was kissing my sweet spot. Well it's behind my ear. I felt myself getting hard. I just didn't know she was looking.

"Mmmm babe what's wrong" she whispered in
my ear "Mmmm no babe that's not far" I said opening my eyes and noticing I have a boner. "Baby Grayson" she laughed "babe I want more" i said taking off my shirt.

She got on top of me. Her fingers running threw my hair. I was kissing her sweet spot. "Babe" she moaned. I smiled while kissing her neck. I sat up and she wrapped her legs around my waist. She stated grinding on me. I've never seen this side of her. I usually do all the work. I take off her clothes. I slip 2 fingers and she jumped up. "Oh ok babe" o whispered giving her a kiss. I was getting her really wet. "Babe please I want you. Uhhhh! GRAYSON!!!" She moaned out loud. Moving away from me to take my pants off. I stood up and I took my pants off.

"Babe if you want it you have to give me a blowjob" I said kissing her neck while she moaned. "Mmmm babe! Why I just want you" she pouted "nope" I said picking up my pants. "Babe wait! Sit on the couch" she said looking at my dick. Yes she has a couch in her room.

I sat down and slouched a little. I smiled at her before she did it. "Babe kiss me" I grabbed her face. I stared to feel bad. I'm forcing her to it. Nah she's fine I know she wants it. I can see the look in her face.

Daniella's P.O.V

Grayson said if I want him I need to give hime a blowjob. So I have to suck his dick so that we can make love. I mean I've never tried that but I rather do it with someone I love.

I grab his dick. He jumped a little. I began. He was moaning here and there. He was grabbing onto the couch. He was getting pleased. I was pleasing him. He seemed to be enjoying it. "Oh babe! Faster babe! DANIELLA!" He was moaning out loud. I went faster. We were both naked just there. "Babe Im gonna cum, get up" he said. He rushed me over to the bed.

He entered me. I was moaning and moaning. He was doing it really hard. I like this. "Say my name baby" he said. I was moaning. "Uhhhh! GRAY! Please!" I said scratching his back. He was grunting. He slowed down. "What are you doing babe" I asked him "babe this get tiring" he pouted. I stared kissing his sweet spot he stared going faster. "Uhhhh babe" he moaned

I looked over at the door to see if I locked it. I did. "Daniella!" I heard someone yell in my house. "Who the fuck is that babe!" He said getting off me. "Idk gray" I looked into his eyes. "Are you cheating on me?!" He raised his voice a little "what the fuck Grayson ! Why would I ever cheat on you!" I said raising my voice at him. "DANIELLA!!" The guy said.

Grayson's P.O.V

I look at Daniella she looked scared. We were just naked in the room. "Babe lets put some clothes on" I picked up her clothes and mine. "Thank you, who the fuck is out there" She said wanting to cry. "Babe come here" I gave her a hug and kiss "babe wait here" she said to me "no babe pleases don't go" I grabbed her arm "it's okay" she gave me a hard kiss.

Daniella's P.O.V

I told Grayson I was gonna see who was out there. I walked out my room. "Daniella are you home" the guy said "hello?" I said unsure "Daniella !" He ran up to me as I ran towards him "OMG !!! Hey!" I said with a smile "I missed you Daniella" he started crying. "Omg spencer what are you doing home" I said hugging him.

Grayson came down "Uhhh babe who's this?" He said confused. "What do you mean "babe"?" Spencer said. "Omg spenc leave me alone! He's my boyfriend" I laughed and gave him a hug. "So Daniella do you wanna tell me who this is or...." He said still really confused " Grayson meet spencer my brother" I smiled at gray. "Oh wow! I'm sorry! Nice to meet you spencer. I'm Grayson Dolan." He said very polite.

It's crazy. Like what the hell is my brother doing all the way over here ! My mom and dad are not in town. "Hey well I'm gonna go. I'm staying with my friends out here. But I'll he here like all the time" spencer said "oh...alright. Well love you see you around" I knew my brother isn't gonna be coming over. "Love you too" he said leaving the front door

Grayson's P.O.V

I meet Daniella's brother. He's sorta nice idk yet I just met the guy. He left and Daniella looked at me and smiled "what babe?" I said with a chuckle. "Wanna finish what we stared" she came close and stared kissing my neck. "Yes babe lets go" I grabbed her hand and went to the room.

We got to the room. I pusher her up against the wall. I gotta admit I'm not really felling it anymore. "Babe!" She pushed me off. "What? What's wrong? Did I do something?" I backed up. "No I'm not okay your bitting my neck extremely hard! What happen to your gentle touch babe!" She said holding her neck. "Babe I'm sorry I wasn't thinking" I grabbed her waist. I see red on her neck. Did I make her bleed? Did I really bite down so hard that I made her bleed? "Babe your bleeding" I removed her hand. "Omg" she said looking at her hand. "Here let me clean it babe." I cleaned it and I put a bandaid over it.

"Awww baby I'm sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you" I said kissing her lips "babe it's okay don't worry" she said kissing me too.

"BABE WATCH OUT!!!!!" She yelled


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