Im fine

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Daniella's P.O.V

"BABE WATCH OUT!!!" I yelled. "Omg babe please get up!" I was shaking him. I began to cry. "GRAYSON please get up!" I ran to the bathroom and got this alcohol stuff that wakes you up. I ran back to the living room. "Grayson come on wake baby please!" I was crying bricks. I called Ethan
E- hello
D- ETHAN! Grayson won't wake up! Come over here! Please Ethan !
E-hey,hey it's okay. Take a deep breath. Calm down I'm 2 houses away. It's gonna be okay
D-Ethan omg
E-I'm here
I hung up. He rang the door bell. I ran and opened it. "Where is he" he had tears in his eyes "in my bed room" we ran to my bed room. "Have you tried using this stuff?" He said with tears running down his face. "No I don't know how long I'm suppose to put it for or how much to put with out a overdose" I said crying "ok. Get me a rag or something" I ran to the bathroom got him a rag and gave it to him. He put a lot and put it to his nose till Grayson woke up. "GRAYSON" Ethan and I said at the same time. "Babe what happen" he said rubbing his head. "My brothers spencer hit you with a bat." I said crying "OMG babe is my head bleeding?" He said scared "no babe your ok. But I am going to take you to the doctor right now" I said kissing his lips. "Grayson bro omg you fucking scared me" he said with tears in his eyes "bro I'm sorry! And are those tears in your eyes" he said with a laugh "yes bro I thought I lost you. You know I'm nothing with out." He said giving Grayson a hug. 

Ethan's P.O.V

When Daniella called me and told me about Grayson my heart literally just broke. I fucking love me brother. Now matter the fights and arguments we get into he's always gonna be my brother. I'm always gonna love him. He's my other half. I wonder why Daniella's brother would do that. I'm just happy my brother is okay.

Grayson's P.O.V

I woke up and everything was blurry. My head was hurting like really bad. I saw my baby girl and Ethan crying. Daniella and Ethan explained everything to me. I knew there was something weird about her brother.

She taking me to the doctor. Which I was totally fine with. I wanted her to. So they can make sure there is nothing wrong with my head or something.

We arrived at the doctor. They did a cat-scan on me and drew my blood and everything. "So Mr.Dolan your all good we checked your head for any brain damage of any sort and your fine. I just want to know what exactly happened. Before you answer does your head hurt. I can prescribe a medication specially made for the type of incident you went threw" he said in a very serious tone. "Yea a little. Ummm it wasn't a accident it was intentional. But yea I'll take the medicine just in case" I said looking into his eyes "ok you only take it for 3-5 day then your will be perfectly fine. Come back in 1 month for a check up. I'll call your wife Mrs.Dolan so you two won't forget" he said with a smile "yea ok that's fine" I said with a chuckle "so what exactly happened Grayson" he said. "Daniella knows the whole thing she saw everything" I said looking and my baby girl than at the doctor. "No Grayson I want you to tell me because I want to make sure you don't Have any memory loss" he said looking at me. I explained everything to him. "Ok so your medication with be done stairs."he said and left 

We went down stairs and go my stuff and went how. "Thank you babe for taking me to the doctor" I said and gave her a hug "yea your welcome babe" she kissed my neck.  "Hey babe did you hear when he called you my wife?" I said kissing her neck. I felt something really weird in her neck like bumps. "Yea I did" she said "babe what's on your neck" I looked at her. "Wait is this when I bit you to hard" I laughed then I got really serious. "Yes babe" she chuckled and gave me a kiss

Daniella's P.O.V

I took Grayson baby to the doctor to see if he was fine. I really love Grayson. I was sitting with Ethan while they did the cat scan. "I hope he's gonna be okay" Ethan said crying. "He is eth come here" I gave him a hug "Daniella?" He said crying into my neck "yes Ethan?" I said in a calm voice " I know you love Grayson but I heard if your having a panic attack and some one kisses you it calms them down" he said in a tone that I can't  really describe. "Kiss me" I cupped his face "no no I can't. I'm sorry I asked" he said letting me go "it's okay... Ethan it's ok" I said rubbing his arm. He began breathing really hard and fast. I stared to panic. Omg he's having a panic attack. I kissed him. "Are you okay? Ethan breath please" I said looking into his eyes "yea I'm good. I need water" he said looking into my eyes. I got him water.

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