Eva Was Also Tagged....Eva's Reply

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Crush: I don't think I have a crush. People that are in my neighborhood aren't worth liking.
Like you back: There's this one guy who likes me but I do not like him back. I'm also pretty sure this other guy likes me too, but I, once again, I don't like him.
Age: I'm going to be 15 soon
Hair: Milk chocolate medium hair. (Everyone in my family is jealous of my hair!)
Eyes: Hazel eyes. I honestly love my eyes! They're more green than brown, but they're still hazel.
Brains: I don't think I'm that smart, but my friends think I am 😐
Friends: I actually have a lot of friends, I'm just not popular.
Normal: As Maia said, what is normal?
Im just going to let Maia tag the people. Go to Maia's reply to see what people we tagged!
Xoxoxo, Eva

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