Chapter 4 - The Stares

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pic of grayson at the top :P


Sage Dunwoody

"Oh," he said awkwardly and rubbed the back of his neck. "Sup, Grayson."

I twisted my neck to the left so I could see Grayson. He had one hand on his hip and two fingers pinching the bridge of his nose. I could see his chest slowly rising and falling with his deep breaths. He was a wearing a black shirt with black skinny jeans. I made out a tattoo on one of his arms. He had a lip piercing and a huge amount of brown hair on top of his head.

"As much as I would love to yell at you right now," Grayson parented, looking Ryder in the eyes. "We need to get her down."

What do they mean get her down? My eyes looked down below me and it finally registered in my mind again: I was dangling from the roof holding onto a gutter that I am now potentially slipping off of. How I managed to momentarily forget the situation I was in baffled me. Worry and fear of falling onto the cement flooded through me again.

So, I screamed.

It must've been really loud because Grayson cringed back, wiggling an index finger in his ears as if to check if they were still functioning properly. He stalked over the black paved road and was on my driveway. Grayson was right beneath me, looking up at me from his height below me.

"Ryder!" he barked. "Come down here!"

"Okay den," Ryder chirped. He angled his feet, slightly slanted, and slid down the downfall of roof like it was a slide. His feet landed in the gutter and he put his fingers on it, gripping on. Ryder let his feet fall and he was dangling just like me.

"Great," I rolled my eyes. "Now we're both stuck."

Ryder gave me a raised eyebrow and let his fingers go of the gutter. He effortlessly landed onto the concrete with bent knees. He straightened himself up once again and looked up at me with a smirk plastered onto his face.

"Correction, you're stuck." Ryder stated proudly. I would've scowled if he wasn't one of my two only hopes out of this mess.

My second hope was Grayson.

"Okay," Grayson began. "I know this sounds crazy, but you got to let go of the roof."

I gave them an 'are-you-crazy' look. No way I was going to do that. I know for a fact them carrying me together would be an easy job for them, but catching me from this height was a whole different story. I would come down with a strong impact, most likely that will knock all three of us down. All of our asses would be broken from the cement. I couldn't let them catch me.

"No," I said sternly. "We're all going to fall."

"No," Ryder mimicked me, then became serious again. "Don't worry, we got you."

My arms were beginning to feel extremely tired, and I kept having to adjust my fingers from slipping. I knew I couldn't pull myself up onto the roof. This seemed to be my only option.

"We've done this before," Ryder added.

My face contorted into a weird expression. "In what other situa-"

"Don't ask," they said simultaneously.

"C'mon," Grayson said with sincere eyes. Him and Ryder had their arms out and locked in front of them. "It's okay."

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I told myself everything was going to be okay, that they'll catch me. They felt true in what they were saying, but I feel like we'd all end up being on the floor. Let's just hope I won't die today. I took a sharp intake of breath and finally urged myself to let go. The drop made my hair fly up and shivers run down my spine. Even though I was only falling for half a second, my nerves made it seem so long.

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