Chapter 18 - Our Girl Got Laid

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Sage Dunwoody

I rang his doorbell. No answer within the first three seconds. I pressed it again. No answer within the first two seconds. Becoming irritatedly impatient, I rapidly began punching the doorbell with my index finger.

I was stopped by Xander opening the door and grabbing my forearm, bringing it toward him so I would stop pressing the button. He looked at me and took in my appearance.

"Woah," he said with wide eyes. "You look..."

"Like a bird took a shit on me."

Xander let go of my arm. He took a second to comprehend my words. "Interesting way to put it."

I groaned and slapped my hands over my face in shame. "It's cause it's true."

His eyes grew even wider. He put a hand up to cover in mouth like he was shocked, but I knew he was just trying to hold back the fact that he wanted to laugh his ass off.

"C'mon, get inside. You must be cold," he said, stepping out of the way so I could get in the house. I wasn't even surprise that he opened the door even though I came to Grayson's house. I also wasn't surprised when I saw Ryder lounging on the couch in the living room, licking a bag of chips that he turned inside out.

"Sage!" Ryder exclaimed, rubbing off the excess salt from the corners of his mouth. Grayson paused the video game he was playing, looking over at me. He questioningly raised his eyebrow.

"Want some pants?" he asked me, gesturing to my soaking wet skinny jeans from going into the water. I sheepishly nodded my head and he sighed.

I screamed when he started taking his sweats off.

"You can just get another pair!" I begged, shielding my eyes. Xander and Ryder started laughing at my reaction. Well excuse me for not being accustomed to a guy taking his pants off in front of me without any warning. First of all I'm not and never was in that kind of relationship, and I've never experienced the horror of the boys locker room.

I flinched when I felt a pair of sweatpants thrown over my face. I grabbed them with my hands but still had my eyes shut. "Dude, what the fuck!"

"Open your eyes, babe," Xander said, still laughing slightly. This whole babe thing Xander had going on with me made me feel all types of feely feely. But not like the feely feely toward Kye.

I peeked one of my eyes open, but not all the way. My vision was blurred, however I could still make out that Grayson's legs were half covered. I hesitantly opened my eyes up all the way and saw he was wearing a pair of shorts. I sighed in relief.

"I could've seen you in your boxers!" I complained. Grayson shook his head.

"Nope. I was wearing these under my sweats anyway," he said casually. I rolled my eyes and dropped the subject. What a bunch of weirdos.

"Where's the bathroom?" I asked in no one in particular. Ryder pointed "down the hall and to the right." I thanked him and waddled to the bathroom, feeling cold and awkward in my wet jeans. My hair was also wet and stiff from the salt in the ocean water.

Also, I smelled like shit. Literally.

I entered the bathroom and locked the door, looking at myself in the mirror. I didn't look that horrible ignoring the bird's nest on top of my head. I unbuttoned my jeans, struggling to take off the black denim. They were already skinny, but having them wet just made it even worse.

I finally got my pants off, immediately putting on the sweats after a cold draft hit my bare legs. They were pretty baggy, but thank goodness they had a string to tighten them around the waist. I hung up my jeans on the towel-pole-thingy to let them dry.

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