Chapter 13 - We Forgot

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pic of kye at the top


Sage Dunwoody

"So you actually just walked in on them having sex?" Kye said in disbelief. He was laughing his ass off, not helping with the fact that I was utterly ashamed.

"Yes! I did! Let it go dude!" I tried to say seriously, but Kye wasn't buying it. He continued to laugh at me, and I couldn't help but join along. I refused to, at first. Keeping in the giggles that wanted to burst out. However, I just gave in. Kye and I figured out the third room was empty, so we decided to crash in there. There was a queen sized bed and both of us were lying next to each other on our backs.

Eventually, both of us calmed down from our laugh attacks. Kye swiped away a tear of joy that fell from his eye. He was so pretty. And yes, pretty was the perfect way to describe him. He had jet black, luscious hair that was styled up. His eyes seemed as if the sky itself were trapped in them. I can't forget to mention what a charming smile he has. I was liking this guy so far.

"So what school do you go to?" He asked me with interest.

"Sea Pine," I replied. "You?"

"Me too!" He replied happily. I was surprised. It was kind of like the same situation with the boys. I never even knew that we went to the same school. Kye could read my expression, and explained. "I moved during winter break and came to Sea Pine."

"You moved in the middle of senior year?" I asked with my mouth agape. He nodded sadly. "Dude that sucks."

He scoffed. "You're telling me. I had been surrounded by the same friends and family my entire life. And then poof! All of that is just gone now," he grumbled.

"I can help you get around if you want?" I offered. I knew what it felt like to let go of people you care about. It's not a good feeling, let me tell you. I wanted Kye to know that I could be his shoulder to lean on.

"That would be fanastic," he warmly smiled at me. "I guess it also kind of helps since my cousin goes here too."

"Really? Who's your cousin?" I asked. Let's just hope I actually knew this person since it seemed like people were hidden from me.

"Do you kn-" Kye was cut off by three boys barging into the room with panting breaths. My three boys.

"Sage!" Ryder exclaimed with relief. He ran over to me and picked up from the bed in a hug, spinning me around. He finally let me down and I was out of breath from having my organs squished by his strong arms.

Next was Xander. He pulled me into his arms and I almost wanted to melt in them. It was so comforting and warm. "We were worried sick," Xander said. I pulled away from him and looked at his eyes.

"I'm fine, you see?" I flapped my arms up and down like a bird. It was understandable that they were worried about me. It was my first high school party and they assumed that I was alone or with Macy. They must've noticed that she was with Tyler and not me. But, they were acting like I came back from a war and they hadn't seen me in 7 months or something.

"You sure?" Grayson asked softly. He cupped my left cheek with his hand and brushed his thumb across it soothingly. I put my hand over his and brought it down from my face and patted it.

"Yes. I had this guy to keep me company," I pointed to Kye. He looked pale and shocked. The three intimidated him no doubt. As soon as I mentioned him, all of us looked in his direction. He shyly darted his eyes to the floor and avoided our gazes.

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