Chapter 10 - The Mood for Food

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Sage Dunwoody

Zeke, Danielle, Grant, and I all looked at the box, none of us making a move to open it. We were all too awkward with each other. I shrugged my shoulders and opened up the box, taking out all of the cards and putting them in a neat stack.

"Okay..." I began. "I think we should know our grades before we start." The other three agreed with slight nods of their heads. Zeke was a freshman, Danielle was a sophomore, and Grant was a junior. It was the same order as Mrs. Parker called us. Some mainstream music was in the background amidst all of our talking. I took the first card.

"What was your best family vacation?" I read from the card. After no one saying anything, Grant decided to go first and break the ice.

"I went to Michigan over the summer to visit my grandma; she lives on a farm. It was pretty cool cause she had a ton of animals and... Stuff..." he got more shy toward the end. I felt like this was hopeless for our team. I looked around the room to catch a glimpse of what was going on with the other teams. It appeared that they were having the same problem as we were.

These questions were too kiddish, more like the questions you asked if you ran out of truths in Truth or Dare. We needed to do something else, or think of better questions. At this rate, we would never open to each other. I thought about it for a minute before it came to me: Current Events. We needed to ask each other questions whose answers would lead more into a conversation, rather than the awkward, "Oh, that's cool..." So, we might as well ask questions that would correlate more to our generation.

I slid my card back in the stack. I put my forearms and elbows on the wooden table, folding my hands together and leaning forward. "This obviously is taking us nowhere," I stated the obvious. They all shyly nodded their heads, seeming embarrassed to agree. "So, let's just talk about things more relatable."

The three agreed and Danielle already knew what to talk about. "What kind of music do you guys listen to?"

"I'm 1D af all the way, no regrets," I immediately said. They all laughed. But, Danielle nodded her head and agreed with me. We high-fived each other and continued on.

"I'm more R&B and rap," Zeke shrugged.

"Who do you listen to?" Danielle asked him.

"Skizzy Mars, G-Eazy, Blackbear..." Zeke tried to continue, but was interrupted by a spasming Grant. He clutched his chest with his hand and shook violently, falling out of his chair and onto the tile floor. The three of us rushed up from our seats and crouched around him.

"Oh my God! Dude, are you okay?" Zeke looked extremely worried.

"I... I..." Grant whispered out. He sounded like he was trying to spit out his last words before he was dying. "Love those guys."

We all groaned out loud and Danielle smacked his chest. He scared the living crap out of us. Grant winced back and flicked his wrist back at her. They began a full on cat fight and some people were beginning to stare. I rolled my eyes and smacked both of them in the back of head. They both stopped and whined while running their heads.

"Is Sage the mom of our group now..?" Zeke asked. Danielle and Grant both thought about it for a second. Then, Danielle pounced on me and wrapped her arms around me.

"MOTHER!!!" she squealed and squeezed me to death. Grant and Zeke were laughing so hard that their faces were turning red. I was struggling to breathe from Danielle's strong hold on me.

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